If required , install the modules express,router, body-parser,jsonwebtoken,uuid, nodemon,moment in the root directory
npm install express router body-parser jsonwebtoken uuid nodemon moment express-validator
i) GET API call to generate JWT key,given the username and password of user in the body of request. To generate JWT key , jsonwebtoken module is used (implementation details are in controller directory)
ii) GET API call to generate user ID, given username , password , dateofbirth , name of user in the body of the request.To generate user_ID , uuid module has been used (implementation details are in controller directory)
i) For username ,password and name validations are done using express-validator module
ii) For date ,validation is done using moment.js
$ nodemon app
nodemon] 1.18.11
[nodemon] to restart at any time, enter `rs`
[nodemon] watching: *.*
[nodemon] starting `node app.js`