Node module for Botlytics API.
Visit the official HTTP docs here
npm install botlytics
var botlytics = require('botlytics');
var bot_token =""; // Include your bot token here.
This sets the bot token for our function calls.
(string, required) is the content of the message.conversation_identifier
(string, optional) is a unique string that will organize messages into conversations with your bot and others. Examples of this might be a conversation ID or a group name.sender_identifier
(string, optional) is a unique string that will track who sent which messages. Examples of this might be a user ID or a phone number.platform
(string, optional) is the platform that the message was sent on. Examples include "slack", "messenger", "kik".payload
(string, optional) is the payload for complex messages that include more than just text.
botlytics.incoming({text: <message>, conversation_identifier: <conversation_id>, ... }, function(err, response, body){} );
botlytics.outgoing({text: <message>, conversation_identifier: <conversation_id>, ... }, function(err, response, body){} );
var botlytics = require('botlytics');
var dict = {
text: "Hello!",
conversation_identifier: "conv_99980",
sender_identifier: "sender_123",
platform: "kik"
botlytics.incoming(dict, function(err,res, body){
if(err) throw Error(err);
This outputs :
"text": "Hello!",
"kind": "incoming",
"created_at": "2016-05-07T04:42:58.129Z"
npm test
In lieu of a formal style guide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code.