A node client SDK to interact with Paytm's miniapps ecosystem
Make sure nodejs version 8.17.0 or above is installed. To check current node version, run
node -v
- To use it in your code, include following lines in your package.json
"dependencies": {
"paytm-mini-programs-nodejs-sdk": "https://github.com/paytm/paytm-mini-programs-nodejs-sdk.git"
- Install with npm:
npm install paytm-mini-programs-nodejs-sdk
- Configuring Auth client
const miniAppsClientSdk = require('paytm-mini-programs-nodejs-sdk');
const OauthClient = miniAppsClientSdk.clients.oauth;
const oauthClient = new OauthClient({
clientId : "<Auth Client ID received on onboarding>"
clientSecret : "<Auth Client Secret received on onboarding>"
ENDPOINT : "https://accounts.paytm.com",
TIMEOUT : 10 * 1000
- An example of fetch access token
(async function() {
try {
const requestOpts = {
code : "<Auth code received from trust login>"
const response = await oauthClient.oauthToken(requestOpts);
console.log('Here is oauth token response', JSON.stringify(response));
} catch(err) {
console.log('Some error occurred while fetching oauth token', err);
- An example of User Profile
(async function() {
try {
const requestOpts = {
scopeCode : "<received from fetch access token api response: access_token>"
const response = await oauthClient.userProfile(requestOpts);
console.log('Here is user profile response', JSON.stringify(response));
} catch(err) {
console.log('Some error occurred while fetching user profile', err);
- Configuring Common Client
const miniAppsClientSdk = require('paytm-mini-programs-nodejs-sdk');
const MiniAppsCommonClient = miniAppsClientSdk.clients.common;
const commonClient = new MiniAppsCommonClient({
clientId : "<Auth Client ID received on onboarding>"
ENDPOINT : "https://miniapps.paytm.com",
TIMEOUT : 10 * 1000
- An example of fetch open id
(async function() {
try {
const sso_token = "<received from fetch access token api response: access_token>";
const response = await commonClient.getPartnerOpenId(sso_token);
console.log('Here is partner open id response', JSON.stringify(response));
} catch(err) {
console.log('Some error occurred while fetching open id', err);
- An example of send notification
(async function() {
try {
const payload = {
name : "<name>",
vertical : "<vertical>",
url : "<url>"
const requestObject = {
access_token : "<received from fetch access token: access_token>",
mid : "<merchant mid received on onboarding>",
openId : "<received from fetch open id>",
orderId : "<paytm order id received after placing order>",
templateName : "<notification template name received on onboarding>",
notificationPayload : payload
const response = await commonClient.sendPartnerNotification(requestObject);
console.log('Here is send partner notification response', JSON.stringify(response));
} catch(err) {
console.log('Some error occurred while sending partner notification', err);
- Clone this repository
git clone https://github.com/paytm/paytm-mini-programs-nodejs-sdk.git
- Install dependencies
npm install
To generate complete documentation, run
npm run docs
Open the generated document via ./docs/<repository name>/<version>/index.html
To view debug logs for this client, run your app with the environment variable DEBUG=miniapps.node.*
DEBUG=miniapps.node.* NODE_ENV=staging node app.js
To run unit test cases for this client, use following command :
npm test
To generate code coverage for test cases, use following command :
npm run coverage
Open the generated document via ./coverage/index.html