#####Team members -
- Shipra Jain
- Muttineni Navya
- Riteek Srivavstav
- Pulavarthy Anirudh
- 1)Software requirements : xampp
- 2)Install xampp and start apache and mysql servers.
- 3)Go to the htdocs folder in xampp and make a new directory (your_directory) where the website files will be stored.
- 4)Clone the files into that folder.
- 1)The database with the name Store_Purchase is to be made containing tables with names Approval_requests, Institute_member_DB, Inventory_items_DB, LI_Orders, Login_details, NLI_Orders, Notifies ,Suggestions the sql scripts are given in the database class
- 2)Now open any browser and to start the main or first page for users write localhost/your_directory/index.html and you can navigate from this page accordingly.
- 3)To open the first page for admin write localhost/your_directory/index.php and navigate accordingly.
- 4)For seeing the changes in the database type localhost/phpmyadmin in a new tab which opens all the databases.