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Rt/read nii (#97)
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* NEW: read_nii.m — read nifti image, header, and load .json when present

* octave-compat: disable typechecking

* octave-compat: use strcat instead of + for str addition

* octave-compat: loadjson not jsondecode

* octave-compat: but actually matlab-compat too

* fixed jsons with .gz extension

* NEW: img.get_nii_coordinates.m — draft function returning voxel positions

* BUG: remove assert-3d image volume;

* REF: read_nii.m: use extractBefore instead of 'if .nii.gz, else ...'

* REF: +img renamed +imutils (as img is freq used as a variable name)

* REF: get_nii_coordinates.m : change call to imutils.read_nii

* OPT: read_nii.m — Enable option to auto-rescale Siemens raw phase images to radians

* Fix newline

* octave-compat: isOctave

* DOC: Update comment to mention [-pi,pi) limits of the converted output phase

Co-authored-by: kousu <[email protected]>
Co-authored-by: Alexandre D'Astous <[email protected]>
  • Loading branch information
3 people authored Jun 8, 2020
1 parent 16dae31 commit 199b404
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Showing 4 changed files with 287 additions and 0 deletions.
48 changes: 48 additions & 0 deletions +imutils/get_nii_coordinates.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
function [x, y, z] = get_nii_coordinates( nii )
%GET_NII_COORDINATES Return voxel position "world-coordinates" in mm
% [x, y, z] = get_nii_coordinates( niiFile )
% [x, y, z] = get_nii_coordinates( niiInfo )
% Returns `x, y, z`: three 3-D arrays of voxel positions in mm.
% The single input can be given either as:
% 1. `niiFile`—A path string to the NIfTI file of interest; or,
% 2. `niiInfo`—A struct of the form `niiInfo = niftiinfo( niiFile )`
% __NOTE__
% The function is implemented as
% ```
% [i, j, k] = ndgrid( [0:niiInfo.ImageSize(1)-1], [0:niiInfo.ImageSize(2)-1], [0:niiInfo.ImageSize(3)-1] ) ;
% [x, y, z] = niiInfo.Transform.transformPointsForward( i, j, k ) ;
% ```
% __TODO__
% * function should be further tested.

% -----------
%% Check input

if [ isstring( nii ) | ischar( nii ) ] & isfile( nii )

[~, info] = imutils.read_nii( nii );

elseif isstruct( nii ) && isfield( nii, 'ImageSize' ) && ...
isfield( nii, 'Transform' ) && isa( nii.Transform, 'affine3d' )

info = nii ;

error('Input must be a path to a .nii file, or a struct returned by `niftiinfo`')

% ---------------
%% Get coordinates

% voxel indices
[i, j, k] = ndgrid( [0:info.ImageSize(1)-1], [0:info.ImageSize(2)-1], [0:info.ImageSize(3)-1] ) ;
[x, y, z] = info.Transform.transformPointsForward( i, j, k ) ;

194 changes: 194 additions & 0 deletions +imutils/read_nii.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
function [img,info,json] = read_nii( niiFile, options )
%READ_NII Load NIfTI image, header, and (if present) the accompanying .json sidecar
% [img, info] = read_nii( niiFile )
% [img, info, json] = read_nii( niiFile, options )
% The input `niiFile` is the path to the NIfTI image as a string scalar or
% character vector. When called with 2 output arguments, the function is
% equivalent short-hand for
% info = niftiinfo( niiFile ); img = niftiread( info )
% The function checks the `niiFile` parent-folder for the presence of a
% sidecar (an identically named file, but with a .json file extension).
% When such a file exists, the 3rd output is returned as a struct via
% `json = jsondecode( fileread( jsonFile ) );` otherwise, `json = []`.
% The function accepts an `options` struct of parameters (for now, only one)
% as a 2nd argument for which the `.rescale` field can be assigned:
% | `options.rescale` | Effect |
% | ------------------| -------------------------------------------------------|
% | 'off' | Rescaling disabled |
% | 'basic' | Rescale according to nii header info |
% | 'auto' [default] | Rescale and convert to physical units when possible |
% __NOTE__
% For now, the sole effect of `'auto'` is to convert Siemens raw phase images
% to physical units (radians), which requires converting from their original
% integer type (between [0,4095]) to a 32-bit "single" float (between [-pi,pi)).
% The json sidecar must be available to verify the Manufacturer and ImageType
% entries. Otherwise, and for all other image inputs `'auto'` reverts to
% `'basic'`.

DEFAULTS.rescale = 'auto';

narginchk(1, 2);

if nargin == 1 || ~isfield( options, 'rescale' ) || isempty( options.rescale )
options.rescale = DEFAULTS.rescale;
assert( isstruct(options), 'Optional 2nd input must be a struct' );
assert( ismember( options.rescale, ["off" "basic" "auto"] ), ...
'Invalid assignment to `options.rescale`: Value must be "off", "basic", or "auto"]' );

info = niftiinfo( niiFile );
img = niftiread( info );

% `extractBefore` should get the correct filename in both .nii and .nii.gz cases
jsonFile = strcat( extractBefore( niiFile, '.nii' ), '.json' );

if isfile( jsonFile )
if isOctave()
json = loadjson( jsonFile );
else % matlab
json = jsondecode( fileread( jsonFile ) );
json = [];

% -------------------
%% Optional rescaling
if strcmp(options.rescale, 'off')

if strcmp(options.rescale, 'basic')
[img, info] = rescale( img, info );

% NOTE: Other approaches to rescaling and/or converting from raw file values
% could be added (including cases where the json sidecar is unavailable)
if isfield( json, 'Manufacturer') && strcmp(json.Manufacturer, 'Siemens') ...
&& strcmp( check_json_image_type(json), 'phase' )

[img, info] = convert_siemens_phase( img, info );
[img, info] = rescale( img, info );


% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% Local functions
% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
function [img, info] = convert_siemens_phase( img0, info0 )
%CONVERT_SIEMENS_PHASE Return phase img in rad
% [img, info] = convert_siemens_phase( img0, info0 )
% Converts from integer-type (between [0,4095]) to a 32-bit "single" float
% (between [-pi,pi)).


if (info0.AdditiveOffset == -PHASE_SCALING_SIEMENS) && (info0.MultiplicativeScaling == 2)

[img, info] = rescale( img0, info0 );

img = single(img)*(pi/PHASE_SCALING_SIEMENS);

%% Update header: both Matlab simplified and original `raw` portions
info.Datatype = 'single';
info.BitsPerPixel = 32;
% NB: 16 is the NIfTI code for float; bitpix = number of bits
info.raw.datatype = 16;
info.raw.bitpix = 32;
warning( 'The nii header differs from that expected of Siemens phase data.\n%s', ...
'Output values (units) are effectively unknown' );
[img, info] = rescale( img0, info0 );


% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
function [imgType] = check_json_image_type( json )
%CHECK_JSON_IMAGE_TYPE Check json; return 'magnitude', 'phase' or 'unknown'
% imgType = check_json_image_type( json )
% Checks the `ImageType` field of struct `json` (derived from the json sidecar)
% and returns a char vector `imgType` which may be:
% - `magnitude` for magnitude images
% - `phase` for phase images
% - `unknown` otherwise
% __NOTE__
% The check is hardly exhaustive and has only been tested for Siemens MRI data.
assert( nargin<2 )

if isempty(json)
imgType = [];

assert( isstruct(json) );

imgType = 'unknown'; % default

if myisfield( json, 'ImageType' )

isPhase = any( ismember(json.ImageType, "P") );
isMag = any( ismember(json.ImageType, "M") );

if isPhase && isMag
% Both true: json file and/or DICOM issue (hopefully this doesn't occur?)
warning('Ambiguous ImageType entry in json file: Indicates magnitude AND phase?');
elseif isPhase
imgType = 'phase';
elseif isMag
imgType = 'magnitude';

if strcmp( imgType, 'unknown' ) && ~isfield( json, 'Manufacturer' ) || ~strcmp( json.Manufacturer, 'Siemens' )
warning('Unknown image type. Possibly due to images sourced from non-Siemens MRI')

% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
function [img, info] = rescale( img0, info0 )
%RESCALE Rescale image according to NIfTI header info
% [img, info] = rescale( img, info )

img1 = info0.AdditiveOffset + info0.MultiplicativeScaling .* img0;

%% Check for possible integer overflow/type issues
if isequaln( img1, double(info0.AdditiveOffset) + double(info0.MultiplicativeScaling) * double(img0) )

img = img1;
info = info0;

%% Update header: both Matlab simplified and original `raw` portions
info.MultiplicativeScaling = 1;
info.AdditiveOffset = 0;
info.raw.scl_slope = 1;
info.raw.scl_inter = 0;

warning( ['Aborting default image rescaling to avoid integer overflow.\n'
'Original NIfTI header may contain errors.\n '] )

img = img0;
info = info0;
37 changes: 37 additions & 0 deletions Img/read_nii.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
function [img,info,json] = read_nii( niiFile )
%READ_NII Load NIfTI image and header; and, when present, the accompanying .json sidecar
% [img, info] = read_nii( niiFile )
% [img, info, json] = read_nii( niiFile )
% The input `niiFile` is the path to the NIfTI image as a string scalar or
% character vector. When called with 2 output arguments, the function is
% equivalent short-hand for
% info = niftiinfo( niiFile ); img = niftiread( info )
% When called with the 3rd output argument, the function checks the parent
% folder of `niiFile` for an identically named file but with a .json file extension.
% When such a file is present, the 3rd output is returned as a struct via
% `json = jsondecode( fileread( jsonFile ) );` otherwise, `json = []`.
niiFile(1,:) string {mustBeStringScalarOrCharVector, mustBeFile} ;

info = niftiinfo( niiFile );
img = niftiread( info );

if nargout < 3

[folder, name] = fileparts( niiFile );
jsonFile = fullfile( folder, name + ".json" );

if isfile( jsonFile )
json = jsondecode( fileread( jsonFile ) );
json = [];

8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions misc/isOctave.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
function r = isOctave ()
persistent x;
if (isempty (x))
x = exist ('OCTAVE_VERSION', 'builtin');
r = x;

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