Some preliminary tools using the samtools library to analyze bam files.
To install, download the repository (or git clone) and run make in the resulting directory:
cd bedCount-master
Usage: ./bedCount [-r reg] [-q baseQthres] [-Q mapQthres] [-b in.bed] [-s] [-G] [-v] [-h] <in1.bam> [...]
Output: streams to standard out a tab separated file with columns; region, trimmedRegion, count1, count2 ...
where countX is is the count for that region in the Xth file argument
first and additional arguments: bam files to be parsed
-Q: only count reads with a map quality greater than or equal this (default:0)
-B: don't count reads only falling within this number of bases of the borders of a region (default: 15)
-t: number of threads to use (default: 1)
-s: Data is single end reads. Do not filter out reads not in a well mapped pair. Assume strandedness behaves as first read (default: paired reads)
-G report the total unique reads combined over all the regions
-v: increase verbosity
-h: display this message and exit
Usage: ./bam2depth [-r reg] [-q baseQthres] [-Q mapQthres] [-b in.bed] <in1.bam> [...]
Output: streams to standard out a tab separated file with columns; chromosome, position, count1, count2 ...
where countX is the count for that position in the Xth file argument
first and additional optional arguments: bam files to be parsed
-r: region to get coverage for in samtools format e.g. chr1:1000-1029 (default: all positions in the reference)
-b: bed file specifying multiple regions
-q: only count positions with a quality greater than or equal this (default:0)
-Q: only count reads with a map quality greater than or equal this (default:0)
-d: approximate maximum depth counted for a base. In samtools version this is 8000. (default: INT_MAX)
-h: (optional) display this message and exit