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DanielGrunwald edited this page Sep 27, 2009 · 8 revisions

The list of shortcuts is grouped by working areas, primary according to main menu items.

The following main menu items have no shortcuts:

  • Refactoring
  • Format (in designer mode)

(All shortcuts are in alphabethic order: Shift, Ctrl, Ctrl-Shift, Ctrl-Alt, Alt, Alt-Shift)

Note: Descriptions, that contain '???' characters in the MenuItem column, may be incorrect because I never used this feature or my English has gaps. I'll bother to correct these sentences after connecting the #D developers.

Editor 1: Move Caret, Select Text

These shortcuts work as Windows standard.

ShortCut MenuItem Feature, Description
**Insert** Toggle insert mode
**Delete** Delete selected text or single object
**Left Shift-Left Ctrl-Left Ctrl-Shift-Left** Set caret one character to the left Select one character to the left Set caret one word to the left Select one word to the left
**Right Shift-Right Ctrl-Right Ctrl-Shift-Right** Set caret one character to the right Select one character to the right Set caret one word to the right Select one word to the right
**Up Shift-Up Ctrl-Up** Set caret one line upwards Select one line upwards Scroll one line upwards
**Down Shift-Down Ctrl-Down** Set caret one line downwards Select one line downwards Scroll one line downwards
**Home Shift-Home** Set caret to the start of the line Select from caret to the start of the line
**Ctrl-Home Ctrl-Shift-Home** Set caret to the start of the text Select from caret to the start of the text
**End Shift-End** Set caret to the end of the line Select from caret to the end of the line
**Ctrl-End Ctrl-Shift-End** Set caret to the end of the text Select from caret to the end of the text
**PageUp Shift-PageUp** Set caret one page upwards Select from caret one page upwards
**PageDown Shift-PageDown** Set caret one page downwards Select from caret one page downwards
ShortCut MenuItem Feature, Description
**Ctrl-Delete** **Delete** Word
**Ctrl-Backspace** **Word Backspace,** i.e. delete word backwards
**Ctrl-A** Edit > Select All **Select All** the text/objects
**Ctrl-C Ctrl-Insert** Edit > Copy **Copy** the selection to clipboard
**Ctrl-V Shift-Insert** Edit > Paste **Insert** (paste) from clipboard
**Ctrl-X Shift-Delete** Edit > Cut **Extract** the selected text/object
**Ctrl-Y** Edit > Redo **Redo** the last change(s)
**Ctrl-Z Alt-Backspace** Edit > Undo **Undo** the last change(s)
ShortCut MenuItem Feature, Description
**Escape** Editor mode Designer mode **Clear** all selections Go to **default property** in the property grid
**Ctrl-Space** Show a list containing members of the **current object**
**Ctrl-Enter** Context **Goto Definition**
**Alt-Insert** Tools > Auto code generation **Auto code generation:** open a dialog where you can select special items
**Ctrl-PageUp** **Ctrl-PageDown** **Toggle mode** between editor mode and designer mode
**Ctrl-Divide Ctrl-OemQuestion** **Toggle comments** related to the selected source code
**Ctrl-D** **Delete** current line
**Ctrl-Shift-D** **Delete** from caret until end of line
**Ctrl-Shift-G** Edit > Insert > Insert new GUID **GUID** insert
**Ctrl-I** Edit > Format > Indent **Indent adaptation:** The indent of the selected text will be changed in the way it is set in options and needed by code structure.
**Ctrl-J** **Code Templates:** Open a dialog to choose a pre-defined code snippet; you can edit them in: Tools > Options > Coding > Code Templates
**Ctrl-Shift-L** Edit > Folding > Toggle all folds **Code folding:** Switch all foldings
**Ctrl-Shift-M** Edit > Folding > Toggle fold **Code folding:** Switch folding of the current section; to do so you must set the cursor in the first line of this section
**Ctrl-Shift-P** Edit > Folding > Show definitions only **Code folding:** Show definitions only
**Tab** **Indent** selected code
**Shift-Tab** **Dedent** selected code
ShortCut MenuItem Feature, Description
**Ctrl-N** File > New > File **New file:** Start to create a new file, either as part of the current project or as single file
**Ctrl-Shift-N** File > New > Solution **New solution:** Start to create a new solution Note: There is no shortcut to add a project to the current solution.
**Ctrl-O** File > Open > File **Open file:** Open an existing file
**Ctrl-Shift-O** File > Open > Project/Solution **Open project or solution:** Open an existing project or solution
**Ctrl-S** File > Save **Save** the current file
**Ctrl-Shift-S** File > Save all **Save all** open files if changed
**Ctrl-Shift-U** File > Reload file **Reload** the current file; all changes are rejected
**F2** Explorer Context **Rename** file or item Note: F2 has another meaning in the source code editor; see the "Bookmarks" section.
**Ctrl-F4** File > Close > File **Close** the current file
**Ctrl-Shift-F4** File > Close > Solution **Close** the current solution
ShortCut MenuItem Feature, Description
**Ctrl-P** File > Print **Print** the current file. Note: you can only print source code, but not the image of a form.
**Alt-F4** File > Exit **Exit** the application
ShortCut MenuItem Feature, Description
**Ctrl-Shift-B** View > Boo Interpreter **???** Show the **Boo** interpreter (lower side)
**Ctrl-Shift-C** View > Classes Show all **Classes** of the solution (right side)
**Ctrl-Alt-D** View > Server Explorer **???** Show the **Server (Database) Explorer**, i.e. the data classes of the solution (right side)
**Ctrl-Alt-F** View > Tools > Files Show the **File Explorer** this is an explorer independent of the solution�s files (left side)
**Ctrl-Alt-G** View > Tools **???** > Code Coverage **Code-Coverage** (lower side)
**Ctrl-Alt-K** View > Errors Show compile **Errors** and warnings (lower side)
**Ctrl-Alt-L** View > Project Explorer Show a tree view containing a solution's **Projects** and all references and files (left side)
**Ctrl-Alt-O** View > Output **???** Show the **Output** window containing messages while compiling (lower side) **???** Is it able to use this window for Console.WriteLine() while running an application?
**Ctrl-Alt-X** View > Tools Show the **Toolbox** containing especially the designer controls (left side) Note: In the View menu there are two items named Tools: this one and another one with subitems to external tools.
**F4** View > Properties Show the **PropertyGrid** (right side) Note: You cannot go directly to the property grid via F4, you must use the mouse.
ShortCut MenuItem Feature, Description
**Ctrl-Q** Tools > Quick XML Doc **???** Create a **Quick XML** documentation
**Ctrl-Alt-Q** View > Tools > Report Explorer **???** Show the **Report Explorer**
**Ctrl-Alt-R** Tools > Report Generator **???** Call the **Report Generator** SharpReport
**Ctrl-Alt-T** View > Tools > Unit Tests **???** Show the **Unit Testing** list
ShortCut MenuItem Feature, Description
**Ctrl-Alt-C** > Callstack **???** Show the **Callstack** (i.e. stack trace)
**Ctrl-Alt-H** > Threads **???** Show the **Threads** (right side)
**Ctrl-Alt-P** > Breakpoints Show the **Breakpoints** (right side)
**Ctrl-Alt-U** > Loaded modules **???** Show the **Units / Modules**
**Ctrl-Alt-V** > Local variables Show the **Local Variables**
ShortCut MenuItem Feature, Description
**F8** > Build Solution **Build all** projects of the solution
**Alt-F8** > Rebuild Solution **Rebuild all** projects of the solution
**F9** > Build (project name) **Build** activated project
**Alt-F9** > Rebuild (project name) **Rebuild** activated project
ShortCut MenuItem Feature, Description
**Ctrl-Alt-B** > Break **Break debugging:** Try to stop executing and to show the current instruction
**F5** > Run **Run application:** If configuration is set to debug, then run with debugger; if it es set to release, then run without debugger. Note: 1- If a project is set as start project, then F5 will always try to start that project and prebuild referenced assemblies; if you want to start another project, you should sign this project in project explorer and start it via context menu. 2- After breakpoint, you have to press F6 to continue (not F5).
**Ctrl-F5** > Run without debugger **Run application** without debugger
**F6** > Continue debugging **Continue debugging:** Continue to run the application without new stops until the next breakpoint is reached
**F7** > Toggle breakpoint **Toggle breakpoint:** Switch on or off a breakpoint at the current source code line
**F10** > Step over Run **Next Instruction;** if this one calls another method, then that method's debugging is stepped over
**F11** > Step into Run **Next Detailed Instruction;** if this one calls another method, then that method's instructions are debugged step by step
**Shift-F11** > Step out **Run application** until the current method is finished
ShortCut MenuItem Feature, Description
**Ctrl-E** > Incremental Search Begin to search forward for one or more **Characters Incremental** until you press any non-character key or no match is found
**Ctrl-Shift-E** > Reverse Incremental Search Begin to search backward for one or more **Characters Incremental** until you press any non-character key or no match is found
**Ctrl-F** > Find Open the extensive **Find Dialog** window
**Ctrl-G** > Goto Line Number Open a **GoTo Dialog** window where you can search for line numbers and/or class names
**Ctrl-R** > Replace Open the extensive **Find Dialog** window with replace possibilities
**F3** > Find Next **Repeat** searching for the text set in FindDialog
**Ctrl-F3** > Find Next Selected Go to the **Next Occurrence** in the search results window
ShortCut MenuItem Feature, Description
**Ctrl-B** > Goto Matching Brace If the caret's position is behind a bracket, you'll move the caret to the matching bracket. This works for '(', ')', '[', ']', '{', '}', but not '<', '>'.
**F2** > Next Bookmark Go to **Next Bookmark**
**Ctrl-F2** > Toggle Bookmark **Toggle Bookmark:** Switch a bookmark at the current line on or off
**Alt-F2** > Prev Bookmark Go to **Previous Bookmark**
ShortCut MenuItem Feature, Description
**Ctrl-Tab** Window > Next Window Go to **Next Window** in the editor range
**Ctrl-Shift-Tab** Window > Prev Window Go to **Previous Window** in the editor range
**Shift-Esc** Toggle **Maximizing** the source window (toggles **Plain layout**)
**Ctrl-PageUp** **Ctrl-PageDown** **Toggle mode** between editor mode and designer mode
ShortCut MenuItem Feature, Description
**F1** > Context help Show suitable search results for the current term
**Ctrl-F1** > Dynamic Help Show **dynamic** suitable search results for all current terms
**Alt-F1** > Help Topics Show the main page of **SharpDevelop Wiki**
**Alt-Ctrl-F1** > Contents Enable to look for any term
**Shift-Alt-F2** > Index results Enable to look for a specific term
**Alt-Ctrl-F2** > Index Show the index of the .NET documentation
**Alt-Ctrl-F3** > Search Enable to look for a specific term
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