A telegram bot to search the lowest prices for you!
- Python 3
Clone the repo to your local directory
> git clone https://github.com/shanwpf/priceless.git
Install python dependencies
- BeautifulSoup, bs4
> pip install beautifulsoup4
- Python Telegram Bot
>pip install python-telegram-bot
- BeautifulSoup, bs4
Run the
file located in the 'priceless' folder
- Find item prices.
>/find <item_name> <maximum_price>
This command gives the user a list of the cheapest deals for <item_name> at a maximum price you're willing to pay for it with <maximum_price>
Stay posted for more commands in the future! We are in the process of developing it :)
- Carousell
- Lazada
- Fitlion
- Gymshack
- Qoo10
- Ezbuy
We'll add support to more websites in the future! Stay posted :)
Developed at Hack and Roll 2018
Shannon Wong
Wayne Koo
Md Azhar