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Engine used to extend kmaps_engine for Terms Dictionary specific functionality


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Getting Started

Log in to the terms, subjects and places apps in production using your UVA credentials.

Notify amontano of your UVA username and that you've logged in on prod. Amontano will then generate db backups on the gar server. Download all three to your local machine.

Create the terms_development and subjects_development databases, eg

createdb -U postgres terms_development

Load the backups (path to db backup is for example only; use your path) eg

pg_restore -U postgres -d terms_development -1 ~/projects/uva/dbs/terms_production_daily.backup

For the places database, it's a bit different.

To get latest places db running locally, you should fetch ~/kmaps-apps-infrastructure/database-backups/places_production_daily.backup, into a local file called places-2023-11-13.dump. Run the following:

createdb -U postgres places_development

psql -U postgres -d places_development


CREATE EXTENSION postgis_topology;

psql -U postgres -d places_development -f /opt/local/share/postgresql15/contrib/postgis-3.4/legacy.sql

perl /opt/local/share/postgresql15/contrib/postgis-3.4/ places-2023-11-13.dump | psql -U postgres places_development 2> error.txt

Create the following directory structure wherever you do your development work:


Clone the terms, subjects and places repos into this dir. Then create another directory inside shanti:


Clone the terms_engine (or whichever engine you'll be workong on) into this dir.

Locate the line for the engine you're working on in the gemfile of the corresponding container app. For example, if you're working on terms, in shanti/terms/Gemfile you'd locate the line for the terms_engine gem. Comment that line out and replace it with

gem 'terms_engine', '1.3.0', path: '../engines/terms_engine' (check the version number in the terms_engine_repo)

Copy any yml.sample files located in the config/ directory, eg

cp config/storage.yml.sample config/storage.yml

In the directory for the parent app (eg if you're working on terms_engine, cd to where you have the "terms" repo) and then

Run bundle install

Run rake webpacker:install

to precompile assets:

export NODE_OPTIONS=--openssl-legacy-provider

rake assets:precompile RAILS_ENV=development

and then start the server.


Copy the migrations into the parent application (eg cd into the Terms application root)

rake terms_engine_engine:install:migrations

Then run the migrations as you normally would from there.


Short description and motivation.


How to use my plugin.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'terms_engine'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install terms_engine


Contribution directions go here.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.