- For ASCII text graphics, try ASCIIFlow
- Flood-fill area in several ways: recursion, stack, queue, scan-line algorithm
- Run in replit.com
- Lets you play the game of Whist agains the computer.
- Uses either array or stack for deck.
- Uses linked list for cards in "hand".
- Run in replit.com
- Finds how many sheep are captured starting a specified spot.
- Uses recursion.
- Sample input board can be found in
- Solves game of Wordle puzzle
- Uses linked list
- Makes use of all possible 5-letter words found in
- Run in replit.com
- Create maze using recursion
- Solve maze using recursion
- Run in replit.com
Play vs. computer opponent a variety of Tic-Tac-Toe variations like 3-D, Ultimate T-T-T.
With algorithms like Minimax, MCTS.
$ cd src
$ ./make_jar_3d
$ java -jar ../bin/3DTTT.jar
$ cd src
$ ./make_jar_ult
$ java -jar ../bin/UltimateTicTacToe.jar
In "Traverse()", in case no children are present / node is terminal, returning the node itself accumulates duplicate results.
We should signal that the search is exhausted (using this UCT). -
Change to use snapshot of the board before rollout, instead of undoing the moves.
UltimateBoard does not detect game-over well.
It also turns boards black for some reason. -
Make Negamax algorithm work with Tic and the rest.