.NET Framework library to help implement command line with your commands
With modules
var executer = new CommandService()
executer.AttachModulesFromFolder("UR FOLDER");
If your commands are in this assembly
var executer = new CommandService()
For more - see CmdTest and TestModule
How to add command?
public class TestCommand : AbstractCommand
public override string Name => "Test Command";
public override string InputCommand => "test";
public override string InputCommandAbbr => "t";
public override Task<CommandResult> CommandExecute(object[] attributes, string[] subcmds)
TaskCompletionSource<CommandResult> res = new TaskCompletionSource<CommandResult>();
return res.Task;
public override void CommandInitialization()
How to use subcommands?
public override Task<CommandResult> CommandExecute(object[] attributes, string[] subcmds)
TaskCompletionSource<CommandResult> res = new TaskCompletionSource<CommandResult>();
//Instead 'args.SubCmds[0]' you can use args.IsSubcmd(INDEX, "SUBCMD");
if(subcmds[0] == "test") // -> /CMD test
CommandService.Interactor.Info("It's 'test' subcommand");
if(subcmds[1] == "test2") // -> /CMD test test2
CommandService.Interactor.Info("It's 'test2' subcommand");
else if(subcmds[1] == "test3") // -> /CMD test3
return res.Task;
How to use String arguments?
public override Task<CommandResult> CommandExecute(object[] attributes, string[] subcmds)
TaskCompletionSource<CommandResult> res = new TaskCompletionSource<CommandResult>();
if(subcmds[0] == "str") // -> /CMD str "My string"
CommandService.Interactor.Info($"Your string is '{attributes[0]}'");
return res.Task;
How to use NumberArguments?
public override Task<CommandResult> CommandExecute(object[] attributes, string[] subcmds)
TaskCompletionSource<CommandResult> res = new TaskCompletionSource<CommandResult>();
if(subcmds[0] == "numb") // -> /CMD numb 0.25 25
CommandService.Interactor.Info($"Your first number is '{(double)attributes[0]}', your second numb is '{(int)attributes[1]}'");
return res.Task;