Custom image map visualization to plot x,y coordinates in pixels on a flat image using Leaflet Maps.
Have you ever wanted to map people in a building or retail space and trace their path across the store? Are you looking to plot gaming data on a custom game map? If you have an image, data and can convert or specify coordinates in x,y, use this custom visualization!
Big thanks to Andrew Stein for all the feature requests, extensive testing and contribution to the docs.
This app only works with Splunk 6.4+ as it relies on the new Custom Visualization API.
When a custom image is loaded as a map, the X and Y range corresponding to the image are centered on the bottom left corner, X,Y = (0,0)
As we move across the bottom of the image, the number of pixels across becomes the X measurement. So the right bottom corner is X,Y=(ImagePixelWidth,0)
As we move up the left side of the image, the number of pixels high becomes the Y measurement. So the right upper corner is X,Y=( ImagePixelWidth, ImagePixelHeigth)
You can place markers outside of an image’s maximum X,Y as the canvas for the app extends beyond these limits depending on your configurations.
When you adjust the pixel height and width in the format menu, you are NOT changing the X,Y mapping to image pixel height – you are adding additional “space” on the edges of the image file.
When mapping X and Y to the custom map image, you will want to “scale” your coordinates to the pixel size scale, using the 0,0 point on the custom map as a reference.
Consider the following example converstion : Given an image 755 pixels high (Y)and 716 pixels wide (X), you can convert the x,y placement to the new scale with simple division
| eval newy=round((y*755 )/100,0), newx=round((x*716 )/100,0)
Where newy and newx are then put into the same field for the map viz
| eval coordinates=newy.",".newx
More advanced use cases require triangulation calculations and spatial geometry. Please see the following links:
Fields must be named exactly as labled here. The app is keyed off of field names and not field order.
base_search | table coordinates, description [ title | icon | markerColor | iconColor | prefix | extraClasses | maxAge | pathWeight | pathOpacity]
comma separated field of coordinates in y,x format. If coordinate fields are named x
and y
use eval to combine; | eval coordinates=y.",".x
Unique identifier for marker. Field is displayed in a pop-up when then marker is clicked on the map. You can get creative with this field. Combine a bunch of other fields or lookups using eval to make the description full of detail. This field supports HTML.
Time in seconds for age of marker in a real-time search. If a new event for the marker has not been seen within this time range, the marker and path will be removed from the map. Only use with real-time search, not static time ranges
The visualization allows you to dynamically style map markers and add icons via SPL. Create fields using eval to define colors for the marker or use an icon from Font Awesome or ionicons. If you find the color set of icons too limiting, feel free to override the map marker icon with a map icon from Font Awesome and style it with any hex color or RGB value.
Icon mouse hover over description.
Icon displayed in map marker - Any icon from Font Awesome or ionicons. Default circle
Color of map marker - red, darkred, lightred, orange, beige, green, darkgreen, lightgreen, blue, darkblue, lightblue, purple, darkpurple, pink, cadetblue, white, gray, lightgray, black. Default blue
Color of icon - Any CSS color name, Hex or RGB value. Default white.
'fa' for Font Awesome or 'ion' for ionicons. Default 'fa'
Any extra CSS classes you wish to add for styling. Here are some additional classes you can use with Font Awesome to change the styling.
Weight (width) of path if Show Path setting is enabled
Opacity of path line if Show Path setting is enabled
The visualization will identify any non-standard fields and make them available as drilldown fields if the Drilldown setting is enabled. Simply add any fields you wish to the final table command and you'll have access to them via drilldown in Simple XML. See the documentation on dynamic drilldown. Refer to this section of the docs on accessing tokens for dynamic drilldown.
Drilldown is disabled by default. Enable it in the main Map section of the format menu. Simply double-click on a marker to activate the drilldown behavior.
If you have existing KML/KMZ files that define features (polyline, polygons, whatever) you can now leverage them to overlay these features on the map.
Copy any KML or KMZ files into the following directory
If you use a deployer (search head clustering) or a deployment server to manage your search heads, uncompress the app and place your KML files into the above directory and then recompress the app for distribution.
Click 'Format' and selct the 'Overlays' tab. Enter a comma separated list of filenames that you uploaded to the above directory.
The files will be asynchronously loaded when the map is rendered.
|eval s1signal=if(like(MERCHANTID,"%s1"),s,"")
|eval s2signal=if(like(MERCHANTID,"%s2"),s,"")
|eval s2signal=abs(s2signal)
|eval s1signal=abs(s1signal)
| stats min(s1signal) as mins1signal min(s2signal) as mins2signal values(state) by _time, MAC
| streamstats window=3 avg(mins1signal) as avgs1signal avg(mins2signal) as avgs2signal by MAC
| eval s1_distance = (80-avgs1signal) *50/40
| eval s2_distance=(80-avgs2signal)*50/40
| eval d=29.2
| eval l= (pow(s1_distance,2)-pow(s2_distance,2)+ pow(d,2))/(2*d)
| eval h= sqrt(abs(pow(s1_distance,2)-pow(l,2)))
| eval x=l/d*(50-50)+h/d*(41.6-70.8)+50
| eval y=l/d*(41.6-70.8)+h/d*(50-50)+70.8
| eval newy=(y*755 )/100, newx=(x*716 )/100, coordinates=newy.",".newx,description=MAC,pathWeight=10,pathOpacity=0.5,iconColor="#ff33dd",title=description,maxAge=5000000,icon="user-circle-o"
| search coordinates=*
| table _time,description,coordinates,MAC,pathWeight,pathOpacity,title,maxAge,icon
Copy an image file to $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps/custom-image-map-viz/appserver/static/visualizations/map_viz/contrib/images
and reference that image file name in this field.
Specify the height of your image in pixels. REQUIRED
Specify the width of your image in pixels. REQUIRED
Enable or disable scroll wheel zoom.
Enable or disable full screen mode. Map takes up all available space in browser and adjust to resize. - Requires browser Refresh
Enable or disable drilldown. Double click a marker to activate drilldown. - Requires browser Refresh
Enable or disable display pane showing x,y coordinates of mouse pointer within image.
Initial Height Of Map (Default: 600)
Background color of container for images that don't fill the entire panel (Default: #ddd)
Initial Zoom for map (Default: 0)
Initial Center Latitiude (Default: 0)
Initial Center Longitude (Default: 0)
Minimum zoom for tile layer. Does not affect map zoom. (Default: 0)
Maximum zoom for tile layer. Does not affect map zoom. (Default: 0)
Enable or disable the path for a given marker.
Display all popups on page load. Only works with clustering disabled. - Requires browser Refresh
Allow multiple popups to dispaly on screen without closing previous. Will disappear at higher zoom levels with clustering enabled. Enabled by default when showing all popups. - Requires browser Refresh
When a marker or path is clicked, bring focus by setting the opacity of all unclicked markers/paths to the Unfocused Opacity setting. All markers have equal visibility when no marker or path is clicked. (Default: Yes)
Opacity of markers and paths that are unfocused. Floating point number between 0 (hidden) and 1 (solid) - (Default: 0.1)
Comma separated list of KML or KMZ file names copied into kml directory of app (file1.kml, file2.kml)
This app is supported by Scott Haskell ([email protected])