Starlight plugin to pull articles from Squidex(3rd-party API) to your documentation.
origin discussion Pull main docs Content from 3rd-party API (a headless CMS) Β· withastro/starlight Β· Discussion #1790 (
Want to get started immediately? Check out the source code or check out the example to see the plugin in action.
βββ -> ./playground/
βββ docs
β βββ node_modules
βββ netlify
β βββ functions
βββ netlify.toml
βββ package.json
βββ packages
β βββ desquidex
β βββ squidex
β βββ starlight-squidex
β βββ starlight-ssr
βββ playground
β βββ
β βββ astro.config.mjs
β βββ codegen.ts
β βββ components.json
β βββ dist
β βββ netlify
β βββ node_modules
β βββ package.json
β βββ public
β βββ src
β βββ tailwind.config.mjs
β βββ tsconfig.json
βββ pnpm-lock.yaml
βββ pnpm-workspace.yaml
βββ screenshot.png
βββ scripts
βββ release.mjs
starlight-squidex has unused, it is squidex and starlight-ssr mixed test product.
A Starlight plugin to server render contents, it is experment, more features are under development.
- SSR render contents
This README format inspired from starlight-blog/ at main Β· HiDeoo/starlight-blog (
MIT Licensed. Made with β€οΈ by Sgal Cheung.