Experimental iOS application demonstrating how to serve Protomaps tile databases from a Vapor-based server running in the background.
This is an experimental iOS application demonstrating how to serve Protomaps tile databases, stored in either an application's main "bundle" or its "Documents" folder, from a Vapor-based server running in the background.
This is work in progress and may change without notice.
You will need to ensure your application has the following NSAppTransportSecurity
Note: The use of the NSExceptionAllowsInsecureHTTPLoads
setting will prevent any application using this package from being accepted by the Apple AppStore. That's not a "feature" so much as an acceptable trade-off (for SFO Museum) since this package was developed for local/on-site applications.
There is work in progress to make all of this work with TLS certificates, and specifically self-signed certificates, but that work is not complete yet. Any help would be welcome.