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MATLAB scripts for visualization of surface-mapped scalar values. Largely inspired by visualization functions in CAT12 ( but more useful in serial/parallel batch processing (i.e., no user-interaction required).


  • Various FreeSurfer ( surface models (white, pial, inflated, semi-inflated, sphere) can be used.
  • OpenGL is required for transparent overlay. Otherwise binary curvature won't be rendered.
  • Multiple figures can be created in the background (MATLAB won't bother you during batch processing).
  • (NEW) Quick (0.07 sec per fsaverage hemisphere) isocontour plotting using an isocontour algorithm from ft_plot_topo3d() from FieldTrip ( and an edge-connecting algorithm.


Download/fetch the package and add all subdirectories to MATLAB path:


Replace "DIRECTORY_WHERE_YOU_SAVED_FILES" with an actual path (e.g., '/Users/me/Documents/MATLAB/surfviz/').


subdir = fullfile(getenv('FREESURFER_HOME'),'subjects'); % Find FREESURFER default subject directory
surfs = fsss_read_all_FS_surfs('fsaverage',subdir); % Reading template surfaces & lots of things in the directory
fsss_view(surfs, surfs.THNS) % for example, thickness, areas, white/pial curvature, sulcal depth, annotations, ...

You can also set the surface to visualize, layout, and a threshold via cfg structure:

cfg = struct('basesurf','pial', 'layout','1x2', 'thres',3); % just an arbitrary threshold for demo
fsss_view(surfs, surfs.thns, cfg)

... and some captions and colorschemes:

thns_z = {zscore(surfs.thns{1}), zscore(surfs.thns{2})};
cfg = struct('basesurf','inflated', 'layout','2x2', 'thres',1, ...
  'colorbartitle','Rel. Ctx. Thns.', 'colorbarxlabel','Z-score', ...
fsss_view(surfs, thns_z, cfg)

... finally you can create as many figures as you want without Matalb taking away your attention (figure's visibility will be off):

fsss_view(surfs, surfs.THNS, struct('demo.png')) % Nothing pops up but it creates a PNG file _silently_
ls('demo.png') % check the file was created!

(NEW) With an edge-connecting algorithm, isocontours can be plotted very quickly (0.07 sec per 160k-vert surface). Isocurvature can be very useful for unthresholded maps to mark the boundary between gyri and sulci. Any arbitrary contours (significant clusters, manual/atals-based ROIs) can be also overlaid:

subdir = fullfile(getenv('FREESURFER_HOME'),'subjects'); % Find FREESURFER default subject directory
surfs = fsss_read_all_FS_surfs('fsaverage',subdir, struct('isocurv','inflated')); % Computes isocurvature line groups when loading
fsss_view(surfs, surfs.thns)

Or perhaps the HCP-MMP atlas (projected on fsaverage)?

fsavg = fsss_read_all_FS_surfs('fsaverage');
labels = {}; cots = {};
[~, labels{1}, cots{1}] = read_annotation('lh.HCP-MMP1.annot', 0);
[~, labels{2}, cots{2}] = read_annotation('rh.HCP-MMP1.annot', 0);
[fsavg,cots] = fsss_isoclus(fsavg, labels, struct('cots',{cots})); % this takes a while for granular annotations
fsss_view(fsavg, fsavg.thns, struct('colormap',gray, 'isocluslinewidth',1,'isocluscolors',cots)

See documentation for more information:

doc fsss_view


The current or previous version of this repo has been used in these publications:

(cc) Seung-Goo Kim, 2019-2024.