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AppEngine Deployment

William Silversmith edited this page Aug 28, 2017 · 2 revisions


Excerpted from .travis.yml

~/neuroglancer$ npm install
~/neuroglancer$ npm install --only=dev
~/neuroglancer$ npm build-min # requires Java 8
~/neuroglancer$ cp -r ./dist/min appengine/frontend/static/
# Activate your virtual env here
~/neuroglancer$ pip install -t ./appengine/frontend/lib -r ./appengine/frontend/requirements.txt 


To deploy without waiting for travis to succeed:

gcloud app deploy app.yaml --version=$BRANCHNAME --no-promote

This will generate a URL like: which is composed of the $BRANCHNAME-dot-$

If you'd like to deploy directly to the master branch (which should not happen without exceptional circumstances because travis does it automatically), write:

gcloud app deploy app.yaml
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