- Clone the repository into tforge-gh-pages subfolder (the repository does not contain gh-pages branch yet):
~/projects/github/tforge-gh-pages $ git clone https://github.com/sergworks/tforge.git .
- Create gh-pages branch:
~/projects/github/tforge-gh-pages $ git checkout --orphan gh-pages
- Delete all files from tforge-gh-pages work directory:
~/projects/github/tforge-gh-pages $ git rm -rf .
Copy the site content to tforge-gh-pages work directory
Stage new files:
~/projects/github/tforge-gh-pages $ git add .
- Commit new files:
~/projects/github/tforge-gh-pages $ git commit -m "commit"
- Push to GitHub Pages:
~/projects/github/tforge-gh-pages $ git push -u origin gh-pages
- See the deployed site