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Serenade for Hyper

Code with voice

Serenade is the fastest and easiest way to write code with natural speech. Give your hands a break without missing a beat.

Edit code, run terminal commands, and write documentation entirely with voice. Whether you have an injury or you’re looking to prevent one, Serenade can help you be just as productive without lifting a finger. Use voice alongside your existing workflow, or abandon your keyboard entirely.

Learn more at

Serenade Demo


To use Serenade for Hyper, you'll also need the Serenade app, available for download here. Then, open your Hyper configuration file and add:

plugins: [

Getting Started

Check out the Serenade documentation to learn how to set up and start using Serenade.



  1. Clone this repo, and run ln -s <absolute path to this repository> ~/.hyper_plugins/local/hyper-serenade to create a symlink.
  2. Run yarn to get dependencies, then yarn watch to build.
  3. Change Hyper's configuration with:
    • towards the bottom, localPlugins:
      localPlugins: [
  4. After a rebuild, you should quit Hyper and restart, or do View > Full Reload.
  5. Optionally, use command + option + I to open Hyper's developer tools, which should show Plugin serenade-hyper (x.y.z) loaded. along with any messages from the plugin.
  6. Optionally, run rm -rf ~/.hyper.js ~/.hyper_plugins/ to remove previously installed configuration and plugins.


  1. Clone this repo to ~\AppData\Roaming\Hyper\.hyper_plugins\local\hyper-serenade. AppData is a hidden folder.
  2. Since symlinks may not work on Windows, also clone and replace the src/shared symlink here with the contents of editor-shared/src.
  3. Run yarn to get dependencies, then yarn watch to build.`
  4. Optionally, run rm -rf ~/AppData/Roaming/Hyper/ to remove previously installed configuration and plugins.


  1. Update the version number in package.json.
  2. Run yarn and yarn build.
  3. Run npm publish.