Basic setup with terraform to provision Kubernetes on Azure. These scripts provision a cluster with a master and 3 nodes. Also it creates a subnet for each vm than adds a route to route-table. Kubelet will create cbr0 bridge with that associated subnet. Since kubernetes does not support azure cloud provider, kubelet runs at each node with --pod-cidr=${kubePodCidr}. kubePodCidr is the address space of the subnet that we routed.
- Terraform >= v0.7.0-rc2
- Go >= v1.6
## Azure Auth You're going to need following parameters in order to create cluster:
- subscription_id
- client_id
- client_secret
- tenant_id
You can follow this guide to get them. You must put this variables into "cluster/" script.
Edit the file at cluster/ to your needs.
Run the following for provisioning cluster
./run apply
If you encounter with error "A retryable error occured. Status=429" restart the script. After the provision initialize kubectl config with following script
cd cluster
./util init