log는 class 내부에 작성하여 기록된다. log 객체는 클래스당 최초에 한번만 생성되어야 한다.
connect recv response send
Doc root is: /opt/homebrew/var/www port set : /opt/homebrew/etc/nginx/nginx.conf to 8080 so that nginx can run without sudo.
nginx will load all files in /opt/homebrew/etc/nginx/servers/.
/var/www/ : default page call /var/www/index.html /var/www/50x.html
/etc/nginx/nginx.conf /etc/nginx/mime.types /etc/nginx/cgi.conf
10063 python body.py 10064 python3 body.py 10065 python3 cgi.py 10066 pip3 install ssl 10067 pip3 install LibreSSl 10068 pip3 install LibreSSL 10069 pip lista 10070 pip list 10071 pip3 list 10072 pip3 search urllib3 10073 pip3 update urllib3 10074 pip3 install urllib3 --upgrade 10075 pip3 install urllib3 version=1.26.15 10076 pip3 install urllib3 version==1.26.15 10077 pip install urllib3 version=2.4.0 10078 pip3 install urllib3 version=2.4.0 10079 pip install --upgrade pip 10080 pip3 install --upgrade pip3 10081 pip3 install --upgrade pip 10082 pip install urllib3 version=1.19.1 10083 pip3 install urllib3 version=1.19.1 10084 pip install urllib3===1.4.0 10085 pip3 install urllib3===1.4.0 10086 pip3 install urllib3===1.26.15 10087 pip3 list 10088 python3 cgi.py 10089 l
Welcome in this little webserver tester. Passing the test here is the minimum before going to an evaluation.
press enter to continue
press enter to continue
Before starting please follow the next few steps (files content can be anything and will be shown to you by the test):
- Download the cgi_test executable on the host
- Create a directory YoupiBanane with: -a file name youpi.bad_extension -a file name youpi.bla -a sub directory called nop -a file name youpi.bad_extension in nop -a file name other.pouic in nop -a sub directory called Yeah -a file name not_happy.bad_extension in Yeah press enter to continue
Setup the configuration file as follow:
- / must answer to GET request ONLY
- /put_test/* must answer to PUT request and save files to a directory of your choice
- any file with .bla as extension must answer to POST request by calling the cgi_test executable
- /post_body must answer anything to POST request with a maxBody of 100
- /directory/ must answer to GET request and the root of it would be the repository YoupiBanane and if no file are requested, it should search for youpi.bad_extension files
press enter to continue
Before starting please verify that the server is launched press enter to continue
Test GET http://localhost:8001/ content returned:
<title>webserv</title>Test POST http://localhost:8001/ with a size of 0
Test HEAD http://localhost:8001/
Test GET http://localhost:8001/directory content returned: bad extension
Test GET http://localhost:8001/directory/youpi.bad_extension content returned: bad extension
Test GET http://localhost:8001/directory/youpi.bla content returned: HMM
Test GET Expected 404 on http://localhost:8001/directory/oulalala content returned:
<title>404 Not Found</title>Test GET http://localhost:8001/directory/nop content returned: bad extension
Test GET http://localhost:8001/directory/nop/ content returned: bad extension
Test GET http://localhost:8001/directory/nop/other.pouic content returned:
Test GET Expected 404 on http://localhost:8001/directory/nop/other.pouac content returned:
<title>404 Not Found</title>Test GET Expected 404 on http://localhost:8001/directory/Yeah content returned:
<title>404 Not Found</title><title>Index of /directory/Yeah</title>
../ ./ 02-May-2023 06:28 - not_happy.bad_extension 09-Nov-2022 05:11 0
Test GET http://localhost:8001/directory/Yeah/not_happy.bad_extension content returned:
Test Put http://localhost:8001/put_test/file_should_exist_after with a size of 1000 content returned:
press enter to continue
Test Put http://localhost:8001/put_test/file_should_exist_after with a size of 10000000 content returned:
the file file_should_exist_after should still be there but this time with a size of 10000000 bytes. Check that now
press enter to continue
Test POST http://localhost:8001/directory/youpi.bla with a size of 100000000
Test POST http://localhost:8001/directory/youpla.bla with a size of 100000000
Test POST http://localhost:8001/directory/youpi.bla with a size of 100000 with special headers
Test POST http://localhost:8001/post_body with a size of 0
Test POST http://localhost:8001/post_body with a size of 100
Test POST http://localhost:8001/post_body with a size of 200
Test POST http://localhost:8001/post_body with a size of 101
Test multiple workers(5) doing multiple times(15): GET on /
Test multiple workers(20) doing multiple times(5000): GET on /
Test multiple workers(128) doing multiple times(50): GET on /directory/nop
press enter to continue
Test multiple workers(20) doing multiple times(5): Post on /directory/youpi.bla with size 100000000
GG, So far so good! Run your own tests now! :D