This is an RCP application I started developing in the context of my research on the design of adaptive systems, which started when I was a PhD Student at the University of Trento, Italy. It's supposed to be a CASE (Computer-aided Software Engineering) Tool for the Zanshin approach. I've also developed the Zanshin Framework to experiment with the approach (see its repository here on github).
Zanshin refers to a "term used in the Japanese martial arts. It refers to a state of awareness" (Wikipedia), which relates to the first part of the Zanshin approach (the elicitation of Awareness Requirements, for more information on the Zanshin approach, see some of my publications). In episode 17 of the 6th season of the American television series Friends, Ross uses "Unagi" instead of "Zanshin" to refer to this concept, hence the name of the CASE Tool.
The development of a CASE Tool for Zanshin has been halted at its early stages, but some of Unagi's code can be used by developers building Eclipse RCP applications as example code in order to get started in their project. This is why this repository is still here.
Follow Lars Vogel's instructions on tool installation for e4 development:
Visit The Eclipse Project Downloads page, download version 4.3.1 under Latest Releases for your operating system, unzip it and run Eclipse;
Click Help > Install New Software, add into the Work with field, press Enter and wait for the packages to load. Select CSS spy for Eclipse 4 and Eclipse 4 core tools and install them;
After restarting Eclipse, again under Help > Install New Software, select Kepler from the Work with combo box, wait for the packages to load and install Eclipse Git Team Provider (under Collaboration), EMF - Eclipse Modeling Framework SDK and OCL End User SDK (under Modeling);
Then obtain Unagi:
Click on File > Import..., select Projects from Git (under Git) and click Next;
Select Clone URI as a repository source, click Next;
Fill in the URI field with one of the clone URIs that can be found at this page and click Next. If one of them doesn't work, try another one;
Select the branches you want to clone (you can leave both master and develop selected). Click Next;
Select the directory where you'd like to clone the repository (I usually put it under my Eclipse workspace) and click Next;
Select the option Import existing projects and click Next;
Finally, click Finish.
Finally, run Unagi:
Open the
file under projectit.unitn.disi.unagi.rcpapp
, go to its "Overview" tab and click the "Launch and Eclipse application" link. The first time you run, you will probably get an error:java.lang.RuntimeException: No application id has been found.
This is due to Eclipse not adding the required bundles to the run configuration. Let's fix that next; -
Click on the menu "Run" > "Run Configurations..." and locate the "unagi.product" configuration under the category "Eclipse Application" at the left-hand side of the Run Configurations screen. Click on it to open;
Open the "Plug-ins" tab and click on the "Add Required Plug-ins" button many times, untile the number of plug-ins selected (which is reported above the "Validate Plug-ins" button) doesn't change anymore;
Click "Apply", then "Run". From now on, do not use the
file to run the application anymore. Instead, use the "Run Configurations" screen or select the "unagi.product" run from your run history. The run history can be accessed via the run button at the toolbar (the green play button) or via the menu "Run" > "Run History".
Questions, comments, contributions, please contact me.