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initial version
Browse files Browse the repository at this point in the history
xfong committed Sep 22, 2021
1 parent 692a632 commit 1a62151
Showing 551 changed files with 134,480 additions and 1 deletion.
36 changes: 36 additions & 0 deletions Makefile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@

# Use the default go compiler
GO_BUILDFLAGS=-compiler gc
# Or uncomment the line below to use the gccgo compiler, which may
# or may not be faster than gc and which may or may not compile...
# GO_BUILDFLAGS=-compiler gccgo -gccgoflags '-static-libgcc -O4 -Ofast -march=native'


.PHONY: all clkernels clean realclean hooks go.mod

all: clkernels
go install -v $(GO_BUILDFLAGS)

go mod init

cd ./opencl && $(MAKE)

hooks: .git/hooks/post-commit .git/hooks/pre-commit

.git/hooks/post-commit: post-commit
ln -sf $(CURDIR)/$< $@

.git/hooks/pre-commit: pre-commit
ln -sf $(CURDIR)/$< $@

rm -frv $(GOPATH)/pkg/*/*
rm -frv $(GOPATH)/bin/mumax3* $(GOPATH)/bin/uMagNUS*
cd ./opencl && $(MAKE) clean

realclean: clean
cd ./opencl && ${MAKE} realclean
56 changes: 55 additions & 1 deletion
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1 +1,55 @@
# uMagNUS

GPU accelerated micromagnetic simulator based on OpenCL.

Downloads and documentation

The frontend is based on MuMax3 and accepts simulation files written for MuMax3.

Refer to MuMax3 documentation at:


- To be updated.

Building from source (for linux)

Consider downloading a pre-compiled binary. If you want to compile nevertheless:

* install the OpenCL driver, if not yet present.
- if unsure, it's probably already there
- requires OpenCL 1.2 support
* install Go
- set $GOPATH
* if you have git installed:
- `go install -v`
* if you don't have git:
- seriously, no git?
- get the source from
- unzip the source into $GOPATH/src/
- `cd $GOPATH/src/`
- `go install`
* optional: install gnuplot if you want pretty graphs
- Ubuntu: `sudo apt-get install gnuplot`

Your binary is now at `$GOPATH/bin/umagnus`

To do all at once on Ubuntu:
sudo apt-get install git golang-go gcc gnuplot
export GOPATH=$HOME go install -u -v


Contributions are gratefully accepted. To contribute code, fork the repo on github and send a pull request.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions cmd/mumax3cl-convert/.gitignore
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@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions cmd/mumax3cl-convert/Makefile
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@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
go install -v
26 changes: 26 additions & 0 deletions cmd/mumax3cl-convert/csv.go
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package main

import (


// comma-separated values
func dumpCSV(f *data.Slice, info data.Meta, out io.Writer) {
f2 := ", " + *flag_format
a := f.Tensors()
for _, a := range a {
for _, a := range a {
for _, a := range a {
fmt.Fprintf(out, *flag_format, a[0])
for i := 1; i < len(a); i++ {
fmt.Fprintf(out, f2, a[i])
43 changes: 43 additions & 0 deletions cmd/mumax3cl-convert/gnuplot.go
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@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
package main

// Output for gnuplot's "splot"

import (


const DELIM = "\t"

func dumpGnuplot(f *data.Slice, m data.Meta, out io.Writer) {
buf := bufio.NewWriter(out)
defer buf.Flush()

data := f.Tensors()
cellsize := m.CellSize
// If no cell size is set, use generic cell index.
if cellsize == [3]float64{0, 0, 0} {
cellsize = [3]float64{1, 1, 1}
ncomp := f.NComp()

for iz := range data[0] {
z := float64(iz) * cellsize[Z]
for iy := range data[0][iz] {
y := float64(iy) * cellsize[Y]
for ix := range data[0][iz][iy] {
x := float64(ix) * cellsize[X]
fmt.Fprint(buf, x, DELIM, y, DELIM, z, DELIM)
for c := 0; c < ncomp-1; c++ {
fmt.Fprint(buf, data[c][iz][iy][ix], DELIM)
fmt.Fprint(buf, data[ncomp-1][iz][iy][ix])
fmt.Fprint(buf, "\n")
fmt.Fprint(buf, "\n")
13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions cmd/mumax3cl-convert/json.go
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@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
package main

import (


func dumpJSON(f *data.Slice, info data.Meta, out io.Writer) {
w := json.NewEncoder(out)
453 changes: 453 additions & 0 deletions cmd/mumax3cl-convert/main.go

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

61 changes: 61 additions & 0 deletions cmd/mumax3cl-convert/normalize.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
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package main

import (


// normalize vector data to given length
func normalize(f *data.Slice, length float64) {
a := f.Vectors()
for i := range a[0] {
for j := range a[0][i] {
for k := range a[0][i][j] {
x, y, z := a[0][i][j][k], a[1][i][j][k], a[2][i][j][k]
norm := math.Sqrt(float64(x*x + y*y + z*z))
invnorm := float32(1)
if norm != 0 {
invnorm = float32(length / norm)
a[0][i][j][k] *= invnorm
a[1][i][j][k] *= invnorm
a[2][i][j][k] *= invnorm


func normpeak(f *data.Slice) {
a := f.Vectors()
maxnorm := 0.
for i := range a[0] {
for j := range a[0][i] {
for k := range a[0][i][j] {

x, y, z := a[0][i][j][k], a[1][i][j][k], a[2][i][j][k]
norm := math.Sqrt(float64(x*x + y*y + z*z))
if norm > maxnorm {
maxnorm = norm

scale(f, float32(1/maxnorm))

func scale(f *data.Slice, factor float32) {
a := f.Vectors()
for i := range a[0] {
for j := range a[0][i] {
for k := range a[0][i][j] {
a[0][i][j][k] *= factor
a[1][i][j][k] *= factor
a[2][i][j][k] *= factor

35 changes: 35 additions & 0 deletions cmd/mumax3cl-convert/numpy.go
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@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
package main

import (

func dumpNUMPY(f *data.Slice, info data.Meta, out io.Writer) {

// see npy format:

// write the first 10 bytes of the 128 byte header
fmt.Fprintf(out, "\x93NUMPY") // magic string
fmt.Fprintf(out, "\x01\x00") // npy format version
binary.Write(out, binary.LittleEndian, uint16(118)) // length of the actual header data (128-10)

// write the actual header data (118 bytes)
shapestr := fmt.Sprintf("(%d,%d,%d,%d)", f.NComp(), f.Size()[2], f.Size()[1], f.Size()[0])
headerData := fmt.Sprintf("{'descr': '<f4', 'fortran_order': False, 'shape': %s, }", shapestr)
fmt.Fprintf(out, "%-117v\n", headerData) // pad with empty spaces and a newline

// write the data
a := f.Tensors()
for _, a := range a {
for _, a := range a {
for _, a := range a {
for i := 0; i < len(a); i++ {
binary.Write(out, binary.LittleEndian, a[i])
29 changes: 29 additions & 0 deletions cmd/mumax3cl-convert/resize.go
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@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
package main

import (


func resize(f *data.Slice, arg string) {
s := parseSize(arg)
resized := data.Resample(f, s)
*f = *resized

func parseSize(arg string) (size [3]int) {
words := strings.Split(arg, "x")
if len(words) != 3 {
log.Fatal("resize: need N0xN1xN2 argument")
for i, w := range words {
v, err := strconv.Atoi(w)
size[i] = v
37 changes: 37 additions & 0 deletions cmd/mumax3cl-convert/tasks.go
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@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
package main

import (

var tasks chan func()
var taskWG sync.WaitGroup

const TaskCap = 100

func Queue(f func()) {
if tasks == nil {
tasks = make(chan func(), TaskCap)

tasks <- func() { defer taskWG.Add(-1); f() }

func Wait() {

func startWorkers() {
nCPU := runtime.GOMAXPROCS(-1)
for i := 0; i < nCPU+1; i++ {
go func() {
for f := range tasks {
169 changes: 169 additions & 0 deletions cmd/mumax3cl-convert/vtk.go
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@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
package main

// Support for vtk 4.2 file output
// Author: Rémy Lassalle-Balier
// Modified by Arne Vansteenkiste, 2012, 2013.
// Modified by Mykola Dvornik, 2013

import (


func dumpVTK(out io.Writer, q *data.Slice, meta data.Meta, dataformat string) (err error) {
err = writeVTKHeader(out, q)
err = writeVTKCellData(out, q, meta, dataformat)
err = writeVTKPoints(out, q, dataformat, meta)
err = writeVTKFooter(out)

func writeVTKHeader(out io.Writer, q *data.Slice) (err error) {
gridsize := q.Size()
_, err = fmt.Fprintln(out, "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>")
_, err = fmt.Fprintln(out, "<VTKFile type=\"StructuredGrid\" version=\"0.1\" byte_order=\"LittleEndian\">")
_, err = fmt.Fprintf(out, "\t<StructuredGrid WholeExtent=\"0 %d 0 %d 0 %d\">\n", gridsize[0]-1, gridsize[1]-1, gridsize[2]-1)
_, err = fmt.Fprintf(out, "\t\t<Piece Extent=\"0 %d 0 %d 0 %d\">\n", gridsize[0]-1, gridsize[1]-1, gridsize[2]-1)

func writeVTKPoints(out io.Writer, q *data.Slice, dataformat string, info data.Meta) (err error) {
_, err = fmt.Fprintln(out, "\t\t\t<Points>")
fmt.Fprintf(out, "\t\t\t\t<DataArray type=\"Float32\" NumberOfComponents=\"3\" format=\"%s\">\n\t\t\t\t\t", dataformat)
gridsize := q.Size()
cellsize := info.CellSize
switch dataformat {
case "ascii":
for k := 0; k < gridsize[2]; k++ {
for j := 0; j < gridsize[1]; j++ {
for i := 0; i < gridsize[0]; i++ {
x := (float32)(i) * (float32)(cellsize[0])
y := (float32)(j) * (float32)(cellsize[1])
z := (float32)(k) * (float32)(cellsize[2])
_, err = fmt.Fprint(out, x, " ", y, " ", z, " ")
case "binary":
buffer := new(bytes.Buffer)
for k := 0; k < gridsize[2]; k++ {
for j := 0; j < gridsize[1]; j++ {
for i := 0; i < gridsize[0]; i++ {
x := (float32)(i) * (float32)(cellsize[0])
y := (float32)(j) * (float32)(cellsize[1])
z := (float32)(k) * (float32)(cellsize[2])
binary.Write(buffer, binary.LittleEndian, x)
binary.Write(buffer, binary.LittleEndian, y)
binary.Write(buffer, binary.LittleEndian, z)
b64len := uint32(len(buffer.Bytes()))
bufLen := new(bytes.Buffer)
binary.Write(bufLen, binary.LittleEndian, b64len)
base64out := base64.NewEncoder(base64.StdEncoding, out)
log.Fatalf("Illegal VTK data format: %v. Options are: ascii, binary", dataformat)
_, err = fmt.Fprintln(out, "\n\t\t\t\t</DataArray>")
_, err = fmt.Fprintln(out, "\t\t\t</Points>")

func writeVTKCellData(out io.Writer, q *data.Slice, meta data.Meta, dataformat string) (err error) {
N := q.NComp()
data := q.Tensors()
switch N {
case 1:
fmt.Fprintf(out, "\t\t\t<PointData Scalars=\"%s\">\n", meta.Name)
fmt.Fprintf(out, "\t\t\t\t<DataArray type=\"Float32\" Name=\"%s\" NumberOfComponents=\"%d\" format=\"%s\">\n\t\t\t\t\t", meta.Name, N, dataformat)
case 3:
fmt.Fprintf(out, "\t\t\t<PointData Vectors=\"%s\">\n", meta.Name)
fmt.Fprintf(out, "\t\t\t\t<DataArray type=\"Float32\" Name=\"%s\" NumberOfComponents=\"%d\" format=\"%s\">\n\t\t\t\t\t", meta.Name, N, dataformat)
case 6, 9:
fmt.Fprintf(out, "\t\t\t<PointData Tensors=\"%s\">\n", meta.Name)
fmt.Fprintf(out, "\t\t\t\t<DataArray type=\"Float32\" Name=\"%s\" NumberOfComponents=\"%d\" format=\"%s\">\n\t\t\t\t\t", meta.Name, 9, dataformat) // must be 9!
log.Fatalf("vtk: cannot handle %v components", N)
gridsize := q.Size()
switch dataformat {
case "ascii":
for k := 0; k < gridsize[2]; k++ {
for j := 0; j < gridsize[1]; j++ {
for i := 0; i < gridsize[0]; i++ {
// if symmetric tensor manage it appart to write the full 9 components
if N == 6 {
fmt.Fprint(out, data[0][k][j][i], " ")
fmt.Fprint(out, data[1][k][j][i], " ")
fmt.Fprint(out, data[2][k][j][i], " ")
fmt.Fprint(out, data[1][k][j][i], " ")
fmt.Fprint(out, data[3][k][j][i], " ")
fmt.Fprint(out, data[4][k][j][i], " ")
fmt.Fprint(out, data[2][k][j][i], " ")
fmt.Fprint(out, data[4][k][j][i], " ")
fmt.Fprint(out, data[5][k][j][i], " ")
} else {
for c := 0; c < N; c++ {
fmt.Fprint(out, data[c][k][j][i], " ")
case "binary":
// Inlined for performance, terabytes of data will pass here...
buffer := new(bytes.Buffer)
for k := 0; k < gridsize[2]; k++ {
for j := 0; j < gridsize[1]; j++ {
for i := 0; i < gridsize[0]; i++ {
// if symmetric tensor manage it appart to write the full 9 components
if N == 6 {
binary.Write(buffer, binary.LittleEndian, data[0][k][j][i])
binary.Write(buffer, binary.LittleEndian, data[1][k][j][i])
binary.Write(buffer, binary.LittleEndian, data[2][k][j][i])
binary.Write(buffer, binary.LittleEndian, data[1][k][j][i])
binary.Write(buffer, binary.LittleEndian, data[3][k][j][i])
binary.Write(buffer, binary.LittleEndian, data[4][k][j][i])
binary.Write(buffer, binary.LittleEndian, data[2][k][j][i])
binary.Write(buffer, binary.LittleEndian, data[4][k][j][i])
binary.Write(buffer, binary.LittleEndian, data[5][k][j][i])
} else {
for c := 0; c < N; c++ {
binary.Write(buffer, binary.LittleEndian, data[c][k][j][i])
b64len := uint32(len(buffer.Bytes()))
bufLen := new(bytes.Buffer)
binary.Write(bufLen, binary.LittleEndian, b64len)
base64out := base64.NewEncoder(base64.StdEncoding, out)
panic(fmt.Errorf("vtk: illegal data format " + dataformat + ". Options are: ascii, binary"))

fmt.Fprintln(out, "\n\t\t\t\t</DataArray>")
fmt.Fprintln(out, "\t\t\t</PointData>")

func writeVTKFooter(out io.Writer) (err error) {
_, err = fmt.Fprintln(out, "\t\t</Piece>")
_, err = fmt.Fprintln(out, "\t</StructuredGrid>")
_, err = fmt.Fprintln(out, "</VTKFile>")
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions cmd/mumax3cl-httpfsd/Makefile
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@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
go install
44 changes: 44 additions & 0 deletions cmd/mumax3cl-httpfsd/main.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
httpfs server, useful for debugging mumax3-server.
Start mumax3-httpfsd in a certain working directory.
$ ls
$ mumax3-server -l :35362
Then you can remotely run mumax3 input files:
$ cd elsewhere
$ mumax3 http://localhost:35362/file.mx3
package main

import (
_ "net/http/pprof"


var (
flag_addr = flag.String("l", ":35360", "Listen and serve at this network address")
flag_log = flag.Bool("log", false, "log debug output")

func main() {
log.Println("serving at", *flag_addr)
httpfs.Logging = *flag_log
err := http.ListenAndServe(*flag_addr, nil)
if err != nil {
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions cmd/mumax3cl-plot/.gitignore
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions cmd/mumax3cl-plot/Makefile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
go install -v
115 changes: 115 additions & 0 deletions cmd/mumax3cl-plot/main.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
The mumax3-plot utility uses gnuplot to automatically plot mumax3 data tables.
mumax3-plot table.txt
Creates graphs of all columns as .svg files.
package main

import (

func main() {

for _, f := range flag.Args() {

func plotFile(fname string) {

hdr := readHeader(fname)

// quantities grouped by vector
Qs := []*Q{&Q{[]string{"t"}, "s", []int{1}}}
prev := Qs[0]

quants := strings.Split(hdr, "\t")
for i := 1; i < len(quants); i++ {
spl := strings.Split(quants[i], " ")
name := spl[0]
unit := spl[1]
if unit == "()" {
unit = ""

if name[:len(name)-1] ==[0][:len([0])-1] {
prev.cols = append(prev.cols, i+1) = append(, name)
} else {
n := &Q{[]string{name}, unit, []int{i + 1}}
Qs = append(Qs, n)
prev = n

for i := 1; i < len(Qs); i++ {
makePlot(fname, Qs[i])

func makePlot(fname string, q *Q) {
term := "svg"
outf := path.Dir(fname) + "/" + q.vecname()
cmd := fmt.Sprintf(`set term %v noenhanced size 400 300 font 'Arial,10'; set output "%v.%v";`, term, outf, term)
cmd += fmt.Sprintf(`set xlabel "t(ns)";`)

cmd += fmt.Sprintf(`set ylabel "%v %v";`, q.vecname(), q.unit)
cmd += fmt.Sprint(`set format y "%g";`)
cmd += fmt.Sprint(`plot "`, fname, `" u ($1*1e9):`, q.cols[0], ` w li title "`,[0], `"`)
for i := 1; i < len(q.cols); i++ {
cmd += fmt.Sprint(`, "`, fname, `" u ($1*1e9):`, q.cols[i], ` w li title "`,[i], `"`)
cmd += "; set output;"

out, err := exec.Command("gnuplot", "-e", cmd).CombinedOutput()

type Q struct {
name []string
unit string
cols []int

func (q *Q) String() string { return fmt.Sprint(, "(", q.unit, ")", q.cols) }

func (q *Q) vecname() string {
if len(q.cols) > 1 {
} else {

func readHeader(fname string) string {
f, err := os.Open(fname)
defer f.Close()
in := bufio.NewReader(f)
hdrBytes, _, err2 := in.ReadLine()
hdr := string(hdrBytes)
if hdr[0] != '#' {
log.Fatal("invalid table header:", hdr)
hdr = hdr[2:]
return hdr

func check(err error) {
if err != nil {
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions cmd/mumax3cl-script/.gitignore
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@@ -0,0 +1 @@
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions cmd/mumax3cl-script/Makefile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
go install -v
83 changes: 83 additions & 0 deletions cmd/mumax3cl-script/main.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
Toy interpreter executes scripts or stdin.
package main

import (

var debug = flag.Bool("g", false, "print debug output")

var (
world *script.World
ps1 string

func main() {
world = script.NewWorld()
world.Func("exit", exit)
script.Debug = *debug

if flag.NArg() > 1 {
check(fmt.Errorf("need 0 or 1 input files"))

if flag.NArg() == 1 {
src, err := os.Open(flag.Arg(0))
ps1 = ">"
} else {
ps1 = ""

func interpret(in io.Reader) {
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(in)
for scanner.Scan() {

func safecall(code string) {
if code == "" {
defer func() {
err := recover()
if err != nil {
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "panic:", err)
tree, err := world.Compile(code)
if err == nil {
for _, stmt := range tree.Child() {
} else {
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, err)


func check(e error) {
if e != nil {
fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, e)

func exit() {
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions cmd/mumax3cl-script/mumax3-int
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
#! /bin/bash
rlwrap -m -S '> ' mumax3-script
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions cmd/uMagNUS-server/Makefile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
go install
292 changes: 292 additions & 0 deletions cmd/uMagNUS-server/compute.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,292 @@
package main

Compute service runs jobs on this node's GPUs, if any.

import (


var (
UmagnusVersion string
GPUs []string
Processes = make(map[string]*Process) // job id -> process

// Process is a running simulation process
type Process struct {
Start time.Time
Out io.WriteCloser
ID string
OutputURL string
GUI string
Killed bool

func (p *Process) Host() string {
return JobHost(p.OutputURL)

// Runs a compute service on this node, if GPUs are available.
// The compute service asks storage nodes for a job, runs it,
// saves results over httpfs and notifies storage when ready.
func RunComputeService() {

if len(GPUs) == 0 {

// queue of available GPU numbers
idle := make(chan int, len(GPUs))
for i := range GPUs {
idle <- i

for {
gpu := <-idle // take an available GPU
GUIAddr := fmt.Sprint(thisHost+":", GUI_PORT+gpu)
ID := WaitForJob() // take an available job
go func() {

defer func() {
// remove from "running" list
delete(Processes, ID)
// add GPU number back to idle stack
idle <- gpu

p := NewProcess(ID, gpu, GUIAddr)
if p == nil {

Processes[ID] = p


_, err := RPCCall(JobHost(ID), "UpdateJob", ID)
if err != nil {


func WaitForJob() string {
ID := FindJob()
for ID == "" {
time.Sleep(2 * time.Second) // TODO: don't poll
ID = FindJob()
return ID

func FindJob() string {

// quickly list peers first
p := make([]string, 0, len(peers))
for addr, _ := range peers {
p = append(p, addr)
// TODO: pick peers fairly

// then do slow RPC calls without blocking the rest of the program
for _, addr := range p {
ID, _ := RPCCall(addr, "GiveJob", thisAddr)
if ID != "" {
return ID
return ""

// RPC-callable function kills job corresponding to given job id.
// The job has to be running on this node.
func Kill(id string) string {
log.Println("KILL", id)

WLock() // modifies Cmd state
defer WUnlock()

job := Processes[id]
if job == nil {
return fmt.Sprintf("kill %v: job not running.", id)
job.Killed = true
err := job.Cmd.Process.Kill()
if err != nil {
return err.Error()
return "" // OK

// prepare exec.Cmd to run uMagNUS3 compute process
func NewProcess(ID string, gpu int, webAddr string) *Process {
// prepare command
inputURL := "http://" + ID
command := *flag_umagnus
gpuFlag := fmt.Sprint(`-gpu=`, gpu)
httpFlag := fmt.Sprint(`-http=`, webAddr)
cacheFlag := fmt.Sprint(`-cache=`, *flag_cachedir)
forceFlag := `-f=0`
cmd := exec.Command(command, gpuFlag, httpFlag, cacheFlag, forceFlag, inputURL)

// Pipe stdout, stderr to log file over httpfs
outDir := util.NoExt(inputURL) + ".out"
errMkdir := httpfs.Mkdir(outDir)
if errMkdir != nil {
SetJobError(ID, errMkdir)
log.Println("makeProcess", errMkdir)
j := JobByName(ID)
if j != nil {
return nil

out, errD := httpfs.Create(outDir + "/stdout.txt")
if errD != nil {
SetJobError(ID, errD)
log.Println("makeProcess", errD)
j := JobByName(ID)
if j != nil {
return nil
cmd.Stderr = out
cmd.Stdout = out

return &Process{ID: ID, Cmd: cmd, Start: time.Now(), Out: out, OutputURL: OutputDir(inputURL), GUI: webAddr}

func (p *Process) Run() {

log.Println("=> exec ", p.Path, p.Args)

defer p.Out.Close()

httpfs.Put(p.OutputURL+"host", []byte(thisAddr))

startTime := AskTime(p.Host())
httpfs.Put(p.OutputURL+"start", []byte(startTime.Format(time.UnixDate)))

WLock() // Cmd.Start() modifies state
err1 := p.Cmd.Start() // err?
if err1 != nil {
SetJobError(p.ID, err1)

timeOffset := time.Now().Sub(startTime) // our clock is most likely out-of-sync with host
tick := time.NewTicker(KeepaliveInterval)

// need initial alive in case watchdog sniffs between start and first alive tick
httpfs.Put(p.OutputURL+"alive", []byte(time.Now().Add(timeOffset).Format(time.UnixDate)))
go func() {
for t := range tick.C {
httpfs.Put(p.OutputURL+"alive", []byte(t.Add(timeOffset).Format(time.UnixDate)))

err2 := p.Cmd.Wait()
if err1 == nil && err2 != nil {
SetJobError(p.ID, err2)

status := -1

// TODO: determine proper status number
if err1 != nil || err2 != nil {
log.Println(p.Path, p.Args, err1, err2)
status = 1
} else {
status = 0

if p.Killed {
httpfs.Put(p.OutputURL+"killed", []byte(time.Now().Format(time.UnixDate)))
} else {
httpfs.Put(p.OutputURL+"exitstatus", []byte(fmt.Sprint(status)))

stopTime := AskTime(p.Host())
nanos := stopTime.Sub(startTime).Nanoseconds()
httpfs.Put(p.OutputURL+"duration", []byte(fmt.Sprint(nanos)))

if status == 0 {
ret, err := RPCCall(p.Host(), "AddFairShare", JobUser(p.ID)+"/"+fmt.Sprint(nanos/1e9))
if err != nil || ret != "" {
log.Println("***ERR: AddFairShare", JobUser(p.ID), ret, err)


func (p *Process) Duration() time.Duration { return Since(time.Now(), p.Start) }

func DetectGPUs() {
if GPUs != nil {
panic("multiple DetectGPUs() calls")

for i := 0; i < MAXGPU; i++ {
gpuflag := fmt.Sprint("-gpu=", i)
out, err := exec.Command(*flag_umagnus, "-test", gpuflag).Output()
if err == nil {
info := string(out)
if strings.HasSuffix(info, "\n") {
info = info[:len(info)-1]
log.Println("gpu", i, ":", info)
GPUs = append(GPUs, info)

func DetectuMagNUS() {
out, err := exec.Command(*flag_umagnus, "-test", "-v").CombinedOutput()
info := string(out)
if err == nil {
split := strings.SplitN(info, "\n", 2)
version := split[0]
log.Println("have", version)
UmagnusVersion = version
} else {
UmagnusVersion = fmt.Sprint(*flag_umagnus, "-test", ": ", err, info)

// RPC-callable function, answers by this node's time
func WhatsTheTime(string) string {
return time.Now().Format(time.UnixDate)

func AskTime(host string) time.Time {
str, _ := RPCCall(host, "WhatsTheTime", "")
return parseTime(str)

func parseTime(str string) time.Time {
t, _ := time.Parse(time.UnixDate, str)
return t
121 changes: 121 additions & 0 deletions cmd/uMagNUS-server/doc.go
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Easy-to-use cluster management tool for uMagNUS, with auto-configuration and web interface. When nodes are connected behind a home router, uMagNUS-server can run without any configuration. Otherwise only the IP address range where the other nodes reside has to be specified.
Input files
Upon starting uMagNUS-server, it scans the current working directory for input files. These should be organised in directories corresponding to user names. E.g.:
Other files will be ignored. These input files will run on all available nodes in the network. After adding/removing files, you should click "rescan" in the web interface, or wait for a few minutes.
Web interface
uMagNUS-server serves a web interface at http://localhost:35360 (you have overridden the port, see below). Depending on your OS you may need to use your exact IP address instead of localhost, e.g.:
The web interface shows you the queued jobs, running jobs, output files, etc., and allows to re-scan for new job files or kill running jobs
Compute nodes
Each node that runs uMagNUS-server and has a working uMagNUS installation will automatically serve as a compute node (even if it stores input files as well). The web interface will show the umagnus version and available GPUs. The -exec flag may be used to override which uMagNUS binary to use. E.g:
uMagNUS-server -exec /usr/local/uMagNUS/uMagNUS-cuda6.5 #override uMagNUS binary
Scan for other nodes
Upon starting uMagNUS-server, it will automatically scan for other nodes in the local network. These will automatically start running jobs (if they have a GPU and uMagNUS installed), or may serve job files to be executed by other nodes.
By default, we search for nodes with IP addresses in the range (local network behind, e.g., a router). This can be changed by the -scan flag. E.g.:
uMagNUS-server -scan,169.254.0-1.1-254
uMagNUS-server -ports 35360-25369
Even when a new node appears on the network after the port scan, it should still be automatically detected. If not, hit "rescan" in the web interface. The -ports flag may be used to change the port numbers being scanned, in case the server uses a non-standard port (-l flag).
Override port number
uMagNUS-server uses tcp port 35360, which needs to be accessible (e.g., through your firewall). This port and the service's IP address, can be overridden with the -l flag:
uMagNUS-server -l :35361 #serves at non-standard port
uMagNUS-server -l #serves at specific IP address, e.g. for dual-link machines
Fault tolerance
uMagNUS-server does a great effort to recover from failed nodes, network outages, reboots etc. If a simulation is interrupted for any such reason, it should be re-queued and automatically re-started later. In that case the web interface will show [1x requeued] to indicate that the job has been interrupted, but it will run later nevertheless.
Command line flags
Usage of uMagNUS-server:
-cache="": uMagNUS kernel cache path
-exec="uMagNUS": uMagNUS executable
-halflife=24h0m0s: share decay half-life
-l=":35360": Listen and serve at this network address
-log=true: log debug output
-ports="35360-35361": Scan these ports for other servers
-scan="": Scan these IP address for other servers
-timeout=2s: Portscan timeout
Web interface example
Uptime: 27h45m38s
Peer nodes
scan 35360-35361
ports 35360-35361
Compute service
uMagNUS: uMagNUS 1.0 linux_amd64 go1.3.3 (gc)
GPU0: CUDA 6 GeForce GTX 680(2047MB) cc3.0
GPU1: CUDA 6 GeForce GTX 680(2047MB) cc3.0
GPU2: CUDA 6 GeForce GTX 680(2047MB) cc3.0
Running jobs
[] [3s] [GUI] [kill]
[] [2s] [GUI] [kill]
[] [1s] [GUI] [kill]
Queue service
john 589 GPU-seconds has queued jobs
kate 0 GPU-seconds no queued jobs
Next job for: john
[Reload all]
[Wake-up Watchdog]
[john/anisenergy.mx3] [.out] [] [ OK ] [1s]
[john/anisenergyconservation.mx3] [.out] [] [ OK ] [2s]
[john/anisenergyconservation2.mx3] [.out] [] [ OK ] [2s]
[john/anisenergyconservation3.mx3] [.out] [] [ OK ] [1s]
[john/anisenergyconservation4.mx3] [.out] [] [ OK ] [2s]
package main
266 changes: 266 additions & 0 deletions cmd/uMagNUS-server/job.go
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package main

import (


const MaxRequeue = 10 // maximum number of re-queues, don't run job if re-queued to many times

// compute Job
type Job struct {
ID string // host/path of the input file, e.g., hostname:port/user/inputfile.mx3
// in-memory properties:
RequeCount int // how many times requeued.
Error interface{} // error that cannot be consolidated to disk
// all of this is cache:
Output string // if exists, points to output ID
Host string // node address in host file (=last host who started this job)
ExitStatus string // what's in the exitstatus file
Start time.Time // When this job was started, if applicable
Alive time.Time // Last time when this job was seen alive
duration time.Duration

// Find job belonging to ID
func JobByName(ID string) *Job {
user := Users[BaseDir(LocalPath(ID))]
if user == nil {
log.Println("JobByName: no user for", ID)
return nil
jobs := user.Jobs

low := 0
high := len(jobs) - 1
mid := -1

for low <= high {
mid = (low + high) / 2
switch {
case jobs[mid].ID > ID:
high = mid - 1
case jobs[mid].ID < ID:
low = mid + 1
low = high + 1 // break for loop :-(

if mid >= 0 && mid < len(jobs) && jobs[mid].ID == ID {
return jobs[mid]
} else {
log.Println("JobByName: not found:", ID)
return nil

// read job files from storage and update status cache
func (j *Job) Update() {
out := j.LocalOutputDir()
if exists(out) {
j.Output = thisAddr + "/" + out
} else {
j.Output = ""
j.ExitStatus = ""
j.Start = time.Time{}
j.Alive = time.Time{}
j.duration = 0
if j.Output != "" {
j.Host = httpfsRead(out + "host")
j.ExitStatus = httpfsRead(out + "exitstatus")
j.Start = parseTime(httpfsRead(out + "start"))
j.Alive = parseTime(httpfsRead(out + "alive"))
j.duration = time.Duration(atoi(httpfsRead(out + "duration")))

// Put job back in queue for later, e.g., when killed.
func (j *Job) Reque() {
log.Println("requeue", j.ID)

func SetJobError(ID string, err interface{}) {
log.Println("SetJobErr", ID, err)
defer WUnlock()
j := JobByName(ID)
if j == nil {
j.Error = err

// How long job has been running, if running.
func (j *Job) Duration() time.Duration {
if j.Start.IsZero() {
return 0
if j.duration != 0 {
return j.duration
if j.IsRunning() {
return Since(time.Now(), j.Start)
return 0 // unknown duration

// user name for this job ID
func (j *Job) User() string {
return JobUser(j.ID)

// user name for this job ID
func JobUser(ID string) string {
return BaseDir(LocalPath(ID))

// local path of input file
func (j *Job) LocalPath() string {
return LocalPath(j.ID)

// local path of input file, without host prefix. E.g.:
// host:123/user/file.mx3 -> user/file.mx3
func LocalPath(ID string) string {
host := JobHost(ID)
if len(host)+1 >= len(ID) {
log.Println("Invalid LocalPath call on", ID)
return ""
return ID[len(host)+1:]

// local path of output dir
func (j *Job) LocalOutputDir() string {
return OutputDir(j.LocalPath())

// output directory for input file
func OutputDir(path string) string {
return util.NoExt(path) + ".out/"

// insert "/fs" in front of url path
func (*Job) FS(id string) string {
return FS(id)

// insert "/fs" in front of url path
func FS(id string) string {
return BaseDir(id) + "/fs/" + LocalPath(id)

// is job queued?
func (j *Job) IsQueued() bool {
return j.Output == "" && j.RequeCount < MaxRequeue

// is job running?
func (j *Job) IsRunning() bool {
return j.Output != "" && j.ExitStatus == "" && j.Host != ""

// Host of job with this ID (=first path element). E.g.:
// host:123/user/file.mx3 -> host:123
func JobHost(ID string) string {
return BaseDir(ID)

// Job status number queued, running,...
type Status int

const (
QUEUED Status = iota

var statusString = map[Status]string{

func (s Status) String() string {
return statusString[s]

// human-readable status string (for gui)
func (j *Job) Status() string {
if j.IsQueued() {
return QUEUED.String()
if j.ExitStatus == "0" {
return FINISHED.String()
if j.ExitStatus == "" && j.Host == "" {
return FINISHED.String()
if j.Host != "" && j.ExitStatus == "" {
return RUNNING.String()
if j.ExitStatus != "" && j.ExitStatus != "0" {
return FAILED.String()
return "UNKNOWN"

// remove job output
func Rm(URL string) string {
err := httpfs.Remove("http://" + OutputDir(URL))

// update status after output removal

if err != nil {
return err.Error()

// report re-queue
// handy if others remove your jobs
job := JobByName(URL)
if job != nil {

// make sure job runs again quickly
user := JobUser(URL)
u := Users[user]
if u != nil {
u.nextPtr = 0
return ""

// check if path exists
func exists(path string) bool {
_, err := os.Stat(path)
return err == nil

// atoi, does not return error
func atoi(a string) int64 {
i, _ := strconv.ParseInt(a, 10, 64)
return i

// return file content as string, no errors
func httpfsRead(fname string) string {
data, err := httpfs.Read(fname)
if err != nil {
return ""
return string(data)
221 changes: 221 additions & 0 deletions cmd/uMagNUS-server/main.go
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package main

import (
_ "net/http/pprof"


var (
flag_addr = flag.String("l", ":35360", "Listen and serve at this network address")
flag_scan = flag.String("scan", "", "Scan these IP address for other servers")
flag_ports = flag.String("ports", "35360-35361", "Scan these ports for other servers")
flag_timeout = flag.Duration("timeout", 2*time.Second, "Portscan timeout")
flag_umagnus = flag.String("exec", "uMagNUS", "uMagNUS executable")
flag_cachedir = flag.String("cache", "", "uMagNUS kernel cache path")
flag_log = flag.Bool("log", true, "log debug output")
flag_halflife = flag.Duration("halflife", 24*time.Hour, "share decay half-life")

const (
MaxIPs = 1024 // maximum number of IP address to portscan
N_SCANNERS = 32 // number of parallel portscan goroutines
MAXGPU = 16 // maximum number of GPU's to check for
KeepaliveInterval = 10 * time.Second // signal process liveness every KeepaliveInterval

var (
thisAddr string // unique address of this node, e.g., name:1234
thisHost string // unique hostname of this node, e.g., name
IPs []string
MinPort, MaxPort int
global_lock sync.RWMutex

func RLock() { global_lock.RLock() }
func RUnlock() { global_lock.RUnlock() }
func WLock() { global_lock.Lock() }
func WUnlock() { global_lock.Unlock() }

const GUI_PORT = 35367 // base port number for GUI (to be incremented by GPU number)

func main() {

IPs = parseIPs()
MinPort, MaxPort = parsePorts()

thisAddr = canonicalAddr(*flag_addr, IPs)
var err error
thisHost, _, err = net.SplitHostPort(thisAddr)

http.HandleFunc("/do/", HandleRPC)
http.HandleFunc("/", HandleStatus)

// Listen and serve on all interfaces
go func() {
log.Println("serving at", thisAddr)

// Resolve the IPs for thisHost
thisIP, err := net.LookupHost(thisHost)

// try to listen and serve on all interfaces other than thisAddr
// this is for convenience, errors are not fatal.
_, p, err := net.SplitHostPort(thisAddr)
ips := util.InterfaceAddrs()
for _, ip := range ips {
addr := net.JoinHostPort(ip, p)
if !contains(thisIP, ip) { // skip thisIP, will start later and is fatal on error
go func() {
log.Println("serving at", addr)
err := http.ListenAndServe(addr, nil)
if err != nil {
log.Println("info:", err, "(but still serving other interfaces)")

// only on thisAddr, this server's unique address,
// we HAVE to be listening.
Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(thisAddr, nil))

ProbePeer(thisAddr) // make sure we have ourself as peer
go FindPeers(IPs, MinPort, MaxPort)
go RunComputeService()
go LoopWatchdog()
go RunShareDecay()

// re-load jobs every hour so we don't stall on very exceptional circumstances
go func() {
for {
time.Sleep(1 * time.Hour)

<-make(chan struct{}) // wait forever

// replace laddr by a canonical form, as it will serve as unique ID
func canonicalAddr(laddr string, IPs []string) string {
// safe initial guess: hostname:port
h, p, err := net.SplitHostPort(laddr)
if h == "" {
h, _ = os.Hostname()
name := net.JoinHostPort(h, p)

ips := util.InterfaceAddrs()
for _, ip := range ips {
if contains(IPs, ip) {
return net.JoinHostPort(ip, p)


return name

func contains(arr []string, x string) bool {
for _, s := range arr {
if x == s {
return true
return false

// Parse port range flag. E.g.:
// 1234-1237 -> 1234, 1237
func parsePorts() (minPort, maxPort int) {
p := *flag_ports
split := strings.Split(p, "-")
if len(split) > 2 {
log.Fatal("invalid port range:", p)
minPort, _ = strconv.Atoi(split[0])
if len(split) > 1 {
maxPort, _ = strconv.Atoi(split[1])
if maxPort == 0 {
maxPort = minPort
if minPort == 0 || maxPort == 0 || maxPort < minPort {
log.Fatal("invalid port range:", p)

// init IPs from flag
func parseIPs() []string {
var IPs []string
defer func() {
if err := recover(); err != nil {
log.Fatal("invalid IP range:", *flag_scan)

p := *flag_scan
split := strings.Split(p, ",")
for _, s := range split {
split := strings.Split(s, ".")
if len(split) != 4 {
log.Fatal("invalid IP address range:", s)
var start, stop [4]uint
for i, s := range split {
split := strings.Split(s, "-")
first := atobyte(split[0])
start[i], stop[i] = first, first
if len(split) > 1 {
stop[i] = atobyte(split[1])

for A := start[0]; A <= stop[0]; A++ {
for B := start[1]; B <= stop[1]; B++ {
for C := start[2]; C <= stop[2]; C++ {
for D := start[3]; D <= stop[3]; D++ {
if len(IPs) > MaxIPs {
log.Fatal("too many IP addresses to scan in", p)
IPs = append(IPs, fmt.Sprintf("%v.%v.%v.%v", A, B, C, D))
return IPs

func atobyte(a string) uint {
i, err := strconv.Atoi(a)
if err != nil {
if int(byte(i)) != i {
panic("too large")
return uint(i)
77 changes: 77 additions & 0 deletions cmd/uMagNUS-server/peers.go
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package main

// Peer management:
// portscan for peers
// ping peers

import (

var (
peers = make(map[string]*Peer)

type Peer struct {

func AddPeer(pAddr string) {
defer WUnlock()

if _, ok := peers[pAddr]; !ok {
log.Println("add new peer:", pAddr)
peers[pAddr] = NewPeer()

func NewPeer() *Peer {
return &Peer{}

// RPC-called
func Ping(peerAddr string) string {
defer WUnlock()

// Somebody just called my status,
// and him as a peer (if not yet so).
if _, ok := peers[peerAddr]; !ok {
peers[peerAddr] = NewPeer()
return thisAddr

// Ping peer at address, add to peers list if he responds and is not yet added
func ProbePeer(addr string) {
ret, _ := RPCCall(addr, "Ping", thisAddr)
if ret != "" {

// Scan IPs and port range for peers that respond to Ping,
// add them to peers list.
func FindPeers(IPs []string, minPort, maxPort int) {
//log.Println("Portscan start")

scanners := make(chan func())

for i := 0; i < N_SCANNERS; i++ {
go func() {
for f := range scanners {

for _, ip := range IPs {
for port := minPort; port <= maxPort; port++ {
addr := fmt.Sprint(ip, ":", port)
scanners <- func() { ProbePeer(addr) }
log.Println("-- portscan done")
152 changes: 152 additions & 0 deletions cmd/uMagNUS-server/que.go
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package main

import (

Queue service scans the working directory for job files.
The working directory should contain per-user subdirectories. E.g.:
The in-memory representation is a cache and can be out-of-date at any point.
The queue service decides which job to hand out to a node if asked so.

var (
Users = make(map[string]*User) // maps user -> joblist

// RPC-callable method: picks a job of the queue returns it
// for the node to run it.
func GiveJob(nodeAddr string) string {
defer WUnlock()
user := nextUser()
if user == "" {
return ""
Users[user].FairShare += 1 // 1 second penalty because a job has started
return Users[user].giveJob(nodeAddr).ID

func AddFairShare(s string) string {
username := BaseDir(s)
share := atoi(s[len(username)+1:])

defer WUnlock()
u := Users[username]
if u == nil {
return "no user " + username
log.Println("AddFairShare", username, share)
u.FairShare += float64(share)
return "" // ok

func nextUser() string {
// search user with least share and jobs in queue
leastShare := math.Inf(1)
var bestUser string
for n, u := range Users {
if u.HasJob() && u.FairShare < leastShare {
leastShare = u.FairShare
bestUser = n
return bestUser

// (Re-)load all jobs in the working directory.
// Called upon program startup.
func LoadJobs() {
dir, err := os.Open(".")
subdirs, err2 := dir.Readdir(-1)

for _, d := range subdirs {
if d.IsDir() {

// (Re-)load all jobs in the user's subdirectory.
func LoadUserJobs(dir string) string {
log.Println("LoadUserJobs", dir)
var newJobs []*Job
err := filepath.Walk(dir, func(path string, info os.FileInfo, err error) error {
if strings.HasSuffix(path, ".mx3") && !strings.HasPrefix(info.Name(), ".") {
ID := thisAddr + "/" + path
log.Println("addingJob", ID)
job := &Job{ID: ID}
newJobs = append(newJobs, job)
return nil
l := joblist(newJobs)

Fatal(err) // TODO: recover?

defer WUnlock()
if _, ok := Users[dir]; !ok {
Users[dir] = NewUser()
Users[dir].Jobs = newJobs
Users[dir].nextPtr = 0

return ""

type joblist []*Job

func (l *joblist) Len() int { return len(*l) }
func (l *joblist) Less(i, j int) bool { return (*l)[i].ID < (*l)[j].ID }
func (l *joblist) Swap(i, j int) { (*l)[i], (*l)[j] = (*l)[j], (*l)[i] }

// RPC-callable function. Refreshes the in-memory cached info about this job.
// Called, e.g., after a node has finished a job.
func UpdateJob(jobURL string) string {

defer WUnlock()

j := JobByName(jobURL)
if j == nil {
log.Println("update", jobURL, ": no such job")
return "" // empty conventionally means error

return "updated " + jobURL // not used, but handy if called by Human.

// Periodically updates user's usedShare so they decay
// exponentially according to flag_haflife
func RunShareDecay() {
halflife := *flag_halflife
quantum := halflife / 100 // several updates per half-life gives smooth decay
reduce := math.Pow(0.5, float64(quantum)/float64(halflife))
for {
for _, u := range Users {
u.FairShare *= reduce
86 changes: 86 additions & 0 deletions cmd/uMagNUS-server/rpc.go
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package main

import (

type RPCFunc func(string) string

var methods = map[string]RPCFunc{
"AddFairShare": AddFairShare,
"GiveJob": GiveJob,
"Kill": Kill,
"LoadJobs": wrap(LoadJobs),
"LoadUserJobs": LoadUserJobs,
"Ping": Ping,
"UpdateJob": UpdateJob,
"Rescan": func(string) string { go FindPeers(IPs, MinPort, MaxPort); return "" },
"WhatsTheTime": WhatsTheTime,
"WakeupWatchdog": WakeupWatchdog,
"rm": Rm,

func wrap(f func()) RPCFunc {
return func(string) string { f(); return "" }

func HandleRPC(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {

var ret string

defer func() {
//log.Println(" < call ", r.Host, r.URL.Path, "->", ret)
if err := recover(); err != nil {
log.Println("*** RPC panic: ", r.URL.Path, ":", err)
http.Error(w, "Does not compute: "+r.URL.Path, http.StatusBadRequest)
request := r.URL.Path[len("/do/"):]
slashPos := strings.Index(request, "/")
method := request[:slashPos]
arg := request[slashPos+1:]

m, ok := methods[method]
if !ok {
log.Println("*** RPC no such method", r.URL.Path)
http.Error(w, "Does not compute: "+method, http.StatusBadRequest)
ret = m(arg)
fmt.Fprint(w, ret)

// re-usable http client for making RPC calls
var httpClient = http.Client{Timeout: 2 * time.Second}

// make RPC call to method on node with given address.
func RPCCall(addr, method, arg string) (ret string, err error) {

//defer func() { log.Println(" > call ", addr, method, arg, "->", ret, err) }()

//TODO: escape args?
resp, err := httpClient.Get("http://" + addr + "/do/" + method + "/" + arg)
if err != nil {
//log.Println("*** RPC error: ", err)
return "", err
defer resp.Body.Close()

if resp.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
log.Println("*** RPC error: ", resp.Status)
return "", fmt.Errorf("http status %v", resp.Status)

if b, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body); err != nil {
log.Println("*** RPC read error: ", err)
return "", err
} else {
return string(b), nil

184 changes: 184 additions & 0 deletions cmd/uMagNUS-server/status.go
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@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
package main

// Serves human-readable status information over http.

import (

var (
templ = template.Must(template.New("status").Parse(templText))
upSince = time.Now()

func HandleStatus(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
defer RUnlock()

if r.URL.Path != "/" {
http.Error(w, "Does not compute", http.StatusNotFound)

err := templ.Execute(w, &status{})
if err != nil {
http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)

type status struct{} // dummy type to define template methods on

func (*status) IPRange() string { return *flag_scan + ": " + *flag_ports }
func (*status) Ports() string { return *flag_ports }
func (*status) ThisAddr() string { return thisAddr }
func (*status) Uptime() time.Duration { return Since(time.Now(), upSince) }
func (*status) UmagnusVersion() string { return UmagnusVersion }
func (*status) GPUs() []string { return GPUs }
func (*status) Processes() map[string]*Process { return Processes }
func (*status) Users() map[string]*User { return Users }
func (*status) NextUser() string { return nextUser() }
func (*status) Peers() map[string]*Peer { return peers }
func (*status) FS(a string) string { return FS(a) }

const templText = `
{{define "Job"}}
<tr class={{.Status}}>
<td class={{.Status}}> [<a class={{.Status}} href="http://{{.FS .ID}}">{{.LocalPath}}</a>] </td>
<td class={{.Status}}> [{{with .Output}}<a href="http://{{$.FS $.Output}}">.out</a>{{end}}] </td>
<td class={{.Status}}> [{{with .Output}}<a onclick='doEvent("rm", "{{$.ID}}")'>rm</a>{{end}}]</td>
<td class={{.Status}}> [{{with .Host}}<a href="http://{{.}}">{{.}}</a>{{end}}] </td>
<td class={{.Status}}> [{{with .ExitStatus}}{{if eq . "0"}} OK {{else}}<a class={{$.Status}} href="http://{{$.FS $.Output}}stdout.txt">FAIL</a>{{end}}{{end}}] </td>
<td class={{.Status}}> [{{with .Output}}{{$.Duration}}{{end}}{{with .RequeCount}} {{.}}x re-queued{{end}}{{with .Error}} {{.}}{{end}}] </td>
body{font-family:monospace; margin-left:5%; margin-top:1em}
p{margin-left: 2em}
h3{margin-left: 2em}
a{text-decoration: none; color:#0000AA}
a:hover{text-decoration: underline; cursor: hand;}
.FAILED{color:red; font-weight:bold}
.RUNNING{font-weight: bold; color:blue}
.FINISHED{color: grey}
.active, .collapsible:hover {cursor:pointer; font-weight:normal; background-color:#eee; width:50%;}
function doEvent(method, arg){
var req = new XMLHttpRequest();
var URL = "http://" + window.location.hostname + ":" + window.location.port + "/do/" + method + "/" + arg;"GET", URL, false);
function refreshPage () {
setTimeout(refreshPare, 60000);
Uptime: {{.Uptime}} <br/>
<h2>Peer nodes</h2>
<b>scan</b> {{.IPRange}}<br/>
<b>ports</b> {{.Ports}}<br/>
<button onclick='doEvent("Rescan", "")'>Rescan</button> <br/>
{{range $k,$v := .Peers}}
<a href="http://{{$k}}">{{$k}}</a> <br/>
<h2>Compute service</h2><p>
{{with .UmagnusVersion}}
not available<br/>
{{with .GPUs}}
{{range $i, $v := .}}
<b>GPU{{$i}}</b>: {{$v}}<br/>
No GPUs available<br/>
<h3>Running jobs</h3><p>
{{range $k,$v := .Processes}}
<td> [<a href="http://{{$.FS $k}}">{{$k}}</a>] </td>
<td> [{{$v.Duration}}]</td>
<td> [<a href="http://{{$v.GUI}}">GUI</a>]</td>
<td> <button onclick='doEvent("Kill", "{{$k}}")'>kill</button> </td>
<h2>Queue service</h2><p>
{{range $k,$v := .Users}} <tr>
<td>{{$k}}</td><td>{{$v.FairShare}} GPU-seconds</td><td>{{with .HasJob}} has {{else}} no {{end}} queued jobs</td>
<b>Next job for:</b> {{.NextUser}}
<button onclick='doEvent("LoadJobs", "")'>Reload all</button> (consider reloading just your own files). <br/>
<button onclick='doEvent("WakeupWatchdog", "")'>Wake-up Watchdog</button> (re-queue dead simulations right now).
{{range $k,$v := .Users}}
<a id="{{$k}}"></a>
<h3 title="Click to show/hide" class="collapsible" onclick='this.classList.toggle("active");var cont=this.nextElementSibling;if ("none") {"block"; window.location.hash = "{{$k}}";} else = "none";'>
&dtrif; {{$k}}</h3><p>
<button onclick='doEvent("LoadUserJobs", "{{$k}}")'>Reload</button> (only needed when you changed your files on disk)
<table> {{range $v.Jobs}} {{template "Job" .}} {{end}} </table>
//let's collapse all job lists.
var collapsibleElements = document.getElementsByClassName("collapsible");
var hash = self.location.hash;
for (var i = 0; i < collapsibleElements.length; i++) {
if(hash=="" || !collapsibleElements[i].textContent.includes(hash.split("#")[1]) ) { //If there's an anchor link. Let's open that user !
var cont = collapsibleElements[i].nextElementSibling;"none"?"block":"none");
46 changes: 46 additions & 0 deletions cmd/uMagNUS-server/user.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
package main

import "time"

type User struct {
Jobs []*Job
FairShare float64 // Used-up compute time in the past (decays)
nextPtr int // pointer suggesting next job to start. Reset on re-scan. len(Jobs) means no queued job

func NewUser() *User {
return &User{}

// nextJob looks for the next free job in the list.
// it does a tiny bit of linear search, starting from nextPtr.
func (u *User) giveJob(node string) *Job {
index := u.nextJobPtr()
if index >= len(u.Jobs) {
return nil
j := u.Jobs[index]
// all below are preliminary, to get rapid gui response.
// may be overwritten by update
j.Host = node
j.Output = OutputDir(j.ID)
j.Start = time.Now()
return j

func (u *User) HasJob() bool {
i := u.nextJobPtr()
return i < len(u.Jobs)

// returns
func (u *User) nextJobPtr() int {
for ; u.nextPtr < len(u.Jobs); u.nextPtr++ {
j := u.Jobs[u.nextPtr]
if j.IsQueued() {
return u.nextPtr
return u.nextPtr
48 changes: 48 additions & 0 deletions cmd/uMagNUS-server/utitl.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
package main

import (

// BaseDir returns the first path element, without slashes and ignoring http:// . E.g.:
// /home/user/file -> home
// user/file -> user
// http://home/user/file -> home
func BaseDir(dir string) string {
if strings.HasPrefix(dir, "http://") {
return BaseDir(dir[len("http://"):])
firstSlash := strings.Index(dir, "/")
switch {
case firstSlash < 0:
return dir
case firstSlash == 0:
return BaseDir(dir[1:])
return dir[:firstSlash]

func Fatal(err error) {
if err != nil {

// rounded up to 1s precission
func Since(a, b time.Time) time.Duration {
d := a.Sub(b)
return (d/1e9)*1e9 + 1e9

// Parse URL, panic on error
func MustParseURL(URL string) *url.URL {
u, err := url.Parse(URL)
if err != nil {
return u
60 changes: 60 additions & 0 deletions cmd/uMagNUS-server/watchdog.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
package main

import (

var runWatchdog = make(chan struct{})

func init() {
// run watchdog daemon in background
go func() {
for {
<-runWatchdog // wait for start

func LoopWatchdog() {
for {
time.Sleep(3 * KeepaliveInterval)

func WakeupWatchdog(string) string {
select {
return "already running"
case runWatchdog <- struct{}{}:
return "" // ok

// single watchdog run:
// re-queues all dead processes
func DoWatchdog() {
//log.Println("Watchdog wake-up")
defer WUnlock()
for _, u := range Users {
for _, j := range u.Jobs {
id := j.ID
//log.Println(id, "running:", j.IsRunning(), "alive:", time.Since(j.Alive))
if j.IsRunning() && time.Since(j.Alive) > 3*KeepaliveInterval {
lastHeartbeat := time.Since(j.Alive)
if lastHeartbeat > 3*KeepaliveInterval {
log.Println("*** Re-queue", id, "after", lastHeartbeat, "inactivity")
// re-set nextPtr to beginning so we can start re-queued jobs
if u.nextPtr >= len(u.Jobs) {
u.nextPtr = 0
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions cmd/uMagNUS/.gitignore
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions cmd/uMagNUS/Makefile
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@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
go install -v
21 changes: 21 additions & 0 deletions cmd/uMagNUS/browser.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
package main

import (

// Try to open url in a browser. Instruct to do so if it fails.
func openbrowser(url string) {
for _, cmd := range browsers {
err := exec.Command(cmd, url).Start()
if err == nil {
fmt.Println("//openend web interface in", cmd)
fmt.Println("//please open ", url, " in a browser")

// list of browsers to try.
var browsers = []string{"x-www-browser", "google-chrome", "chromium-browser", "firefox", "explorer"}
168 changes: 168 additions & 0 deletions cmd/uMagNUS/main.go
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@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
// uMagNUS main source
package main

import (

// flags in engine/gofiles.go
var ()

func main() {


opencl.Synchronous = *engine.Flag_sync
if *engine.Flag_version {

// used by bootstrap launcher to test opencl
// successful exit means opencl was initialized fine
if *engine.Flag_test {

defer engine.Close() // flushes pending output, if any

if *engine.Flag_vet {

switch flag.NArg() {
case 0:
case 1:

func runInteractive() {
fmt.Println("//no input files: starting interactive session")

// setup outut dir
now := time.Now()
outdir := fmt.Sprintf("uMagNUS-%v-%02d-%02d_%02dh%02d.out", now.Year(), int(now.Month()), now.Day(), now.Hour(), now.Minute())
engine.InitIO(outdir, outdir, *engine.Flag_forceclean)

engine.Timeout = 365 * 24 * time.Hour // basically forever

// set up some sensible start configuration
engine.Eval(`SetGridSize(128, 64, 1)
SetCellSize(4e-9, 4e-9, 4e-9)
Msat = 1e6
Aex = 10e-12
alpha = 1
m = RandomMag()`)
addr := goServeGUI()
openbrowser("" + addr)

func runFileAndServe(fname string) {
if path.Ext(fname) == ".go" {
} else {

func runScript(fname string) {
outDir := util.NoExt(fname) + ".out"
if *engine.Flag_od != "" {
outDir = *engine.Flag_od
engine.InitIO(fname, outDir, *engine.Flag_forceclean)

fname = engine.InputFile

var code *script.BlockStmt
var err2 error
if fname != "" {
// first we compile the entire file into an executable tree
code, err2 = engine.CompileFile(fname)

// now the parser is not used anymore so it can handle web requests

if *engine.Flag_interactive {
openbrowser("" + *engine.Flag_port)

// start executing the tree, possibly injecting commands from web gui

if *engine.Flag_interactive {

func runGoFile(fname string) {

// pass through flags
flags := []string{"run", fname}
flag.Visit(func(f *flag.Flag) {
if f.Name != "o" {
flags = append(flags, fmt.Sprintf("-%v=%v", f.Name, f.Value))

if *engine.Flag_od != "" {
flags = append(flags, fmt.Sprintf("-o=%v", *engine.Flag_od))

cmd := exec.Command("go", flags...)
log.Println("go", flags)
cmd.Stdout = os.Stdout
cmd.Stdin = os.Stdin
cmd.Stderr = os.Stderr
err := cmd.Run()
if err != nil {

// start Gui server and return server address
func goServeGUI() string {
if *engine.Flag_port == "" {
log.Println(`//not starting GUI (-http="")`)
return ""
addr := engine.GoServe(*engine.Flag_port)
fmt.Print("//starting GUI at", addr, "\n")
return addr

// print version to stdout
func printVersion() {
engine.LogOut("//", engine.UNAME, "\n")
engine.LogOut("//", opencl.GPUInfo, "\n")
engine.LogOut("//(c) Xuanyao Fong, SEEDER Research Group, National University of Singapore, Singapore", "\n")
engine.LogOut("This is free software without any warranty. See license.txt")
engine.LogOut(" If you use uMagNUS in any work or publication, //")
engine.LogOut(" we kindly ask you to cite the references in references.bib //")
engine.LogOut("//Frontend is based on MuMax 3.10: (c) Arne Vansteenkiste, Dynamat LAB, Ghent University, Belgium", "\n")
194 changes: 194 additions & 0 deletions cmd/uMagNUS/queue.go
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@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
package main

// File que for distributing multiple input files over GPUs.

import (

var (
exitStatus atom = 0
numOK, numFailed atom = 0, 0

func RunQueue(files []string) {
s := NewStateTab(files)
go s.ListenAndServe(*engine.Flag_port)
fmt.Println(numOK.get(), "OK, ", numFailed.get(), "failed")

// StateTab holds the queue state (list of jobs + statuses).
// All operations are atomic.
type stateTab struct {
lock sync.Mutex
jobs []job
next int

// Job info.
type job struct {
inFile string // input file to run
webAddr string // http address for gui of running process
uid int

// NewStateTab constructs a queue for the given input files.
// After construction, it is accessed atomically.
func NewStateTab(inFiles []string) *stateTab {
s := new(stateTab) = make([]job, len(inFiles))
for i, f := range inFiles {[i] = job{inFile: f, uid: i}
return s

// StartNext advances the next job and marks it running, setting its webAddr to indicate the GUI url.
// A copy of the job info is returned, the original remains unmodified.
// ok is false if there is no next job.
func (s *stateTab) StartNext(webAddr string) (next job, ok bool) {
defer s.lock.Unlock()
if >= len( {
return job{}, false
}[].webAddr = webAddr
jobCopy :=[]
return jobCopy, true

// Finish marks the job with j's uid as finished.
func (s *stateTab) Finish(j job) {
defer s.lock.Unlock()[j.uid].webAddr = ""

// Runs all the jobs in stateTab.
func (s *stateTab) Run() {
nGPU := len(opencl.ClDevices)
idle := initGPUs(nGPU)
for {
gpu := <-idle
addr := fmt.Sprint(":", 35368+gpu)
j, ok := s.StartNext(addr)
if !ok {
go func() {
run(j.inFile, gpu, j.webAddr)
idle <- gpu
// drain remaining tasks (one already done)
for i := 1; i < nGPU; i++ {

type atom int32

func (a *atom) set(v int) { atomic.StoreInt32((*int32)(a), int32(v)) }
func (a *atom) get() int { return int(atomic.LoadInt32((*int32)(a))) }
func (a *atom) inc() { atomic.AddInt32((*int32)(a), 1) }

func run(inFile string, gpu int, webAddr string) {
// overridden flags
gpuFlag := fmt.Sprint(`-gpu=`, gpu)
httpFlag := fmt.Sprint(`-http=`, webAddr)

// pass through flags
flags := []string{gpuFlag, httpFlag}
flag.Visit(func(f *flag.Flag) {
if f.Name != "gpu" && f.Name != "http" && f.Name != "failfast" {
flags = append(flags, fmt.Sprintf("-%v=%v", f.Name, f.Value))
flags = append(flags, inFile)

cmd := exec.Command(os.Args[0], flags...)
log.Println(os.Args[0], flags)
output, err := cmd.CombinedOutput()
if err != nil {
log.Println(inFile, err)
log.Printf("%s\n", output)
if *engine.Flag_failfast {
} else {

func initGPUs(nGpu int) chan int {
if nGpu == 0 {
log.Fatal("no GPUs available")
idle := make(chan int, nGpu)
for i := 0; i < nGpu; i++ {
idle <- i
return idle

func (s *stateTab) PrintTo(w io.Writer) {
defer s.lock.Unlock()
for i, j := range {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "%3d %v %v\n", i, j.inFile, j.webAddr)

func (s *stateTab) RenderHTML(w io.Writer) {
defer s.lock.Unlock()
fmt.Fprintln(w, `
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="1">
<span style="color:gray; font-weight:bold; font-size:1.5em"> uMagNUS queue status </span><br/>

hostname := "localhost"
hostname, _ = os.Hostname()
for _, j := range {
if j.webAddr != "" {
fmt.Fprint(w, `<b>`, j.uid, ` <a href="`, "http://", hostname+j.webAddr, `">`, j.inFile, " ", j.webAddr, "</a></b>\n")
} else {
fmt.Fprint(w, j.uid, " ", j.inFile, "\n")

fmt.Fprintln(w, `</pre><hr/></body></html>`)

func (s *stateTab) ListenAndServe(addr string) {
http.Handle("/", s)
go http.ListenAndServe(addr, nil)

func (s *stateTab) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
30 changes: 30 additions & 0 deletions cmd/uMagNUS/vet.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
package main

import (


// check all input files for errors, don't run.
func vet() {
status := 0
for _, f := range flag.Args() {
src, ioerr := ioutil.ReadFile(f)
engine.World.EnterScope() // avoid name collisions between separate files
_, err := engine.World.Compile(string(src))
if err != nil {
fmt.Println(f, ":", err)
status = 1
} else {
fmt.Println(f, ":", "OK")
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions data/Makefile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
go install -v
28 changes: 28 additions & 0 deletions data/crop.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
package data

// Cut-out a piece between given bounds (incl, excl)
func Crop(in *Slice, x1, x2, y1, y2, z1, z2 int) *Slice {
Nx := x2 - x1
Ny := y2 - y1
Nz := z2 - z1

size := [3]int{Nx, Ny, Nz}
ncomp := in.NComp()

out := NewSlice(ncomp, size)

a := in.Tensors()
b := out.Tensors()

for c := 0; c < ncomp; c++ {
for z := 0; z < Nz; z++ {
for y := 0; y < Ny; y++ {
for x := 0; x < Nx; x++ {
b[c][z][y][x] = a[c][z+z1][y+y1][x+x1]

return out
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions data/doc.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
Package data provides structures to store arrays in a hardware-agnostic (GPU-CPU) way.
package data
95 changes: 95 additions & 0 deletions data/mesh.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
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package data

import (

// Mesh stores info of a finite-difference mesh.
type Mesh struct {
gridSize [3]int
cellSize [3]float64
pbc [3]int
Unit string // unit of cellSize, default: "m"

// Retruns a new mesh with N0 x N1 x N2 cells of size cellx x celly x cellz.
// Optional periodic boundary conditions (pbc): number of repetitions
// in X, Y, Z direction. 0,0,0 means no periodicity.
func NewMesh(N0, N1, N2 int, cellx, celly, cellz float64, pbc *Mesh {
var pbc3 [3]int
if len(pbc) == 3 {
copy(pbc3[:], pbc)
} else {
if len(pbc) != 0 {
log.Panic("mesh: need 0 or 3 PBC arguments, got:", pbc)
size := [3]int{N0, N1, N2}
return &Mesh{size, [3]float64{cellx, celly, cellz}, pbc3, "m"}

// Returns N0, N1, N2, as passed to constructor.
func (m *Mesh) Size() [3]int {
if m == nil {
return [3]int{0, 0, 0}
} else {
return m.gridSize

// Returns cellx, celly, cellz, as passed to constructor.
func (m *Mesh) CellSize() [3]float64 {
return m.cellSize

// Returns pbc (periodic boundary conditions), as passed to constructor.
func (m *Mesh) PBC() [3]int {
return m.pbc

func (m *Mesh) SetPBC(nx, ny, nz int) {
m.pbc = [3]int{nx, ny, nz}

// Total number of cells, not taking into account PBCs.
// N0 * N1 * N2
func (m *Mesh) NCell() int {
return m.gridSize[0] * m.gridSize[1] * m.gridSize[2]

// WorldSize equals (grid)Size x CellSize.
func (m *Mesh) WorldSize() [3]float64 {
return [3]float64{float64(m.gridSize[0]) * m.cellSize[0], float64(m.gridSize[1]) * m.cellSize[1], float64(m.gridSize[2]) * m.cellSize[2]}

// 3 bools, packed in one byte, indicating whether there are periodic boundary conditions in
// X (LSB), Y(LSB<<1), Z(LSB<<2)
func (m *Mesh) PBC_code() byte {
var code byte
if m.pbc[X] != 0 {
code = 1
if m.pbc[Y] != 0 {
code |= 2
if m.pbc[Z] != 0 {
code |= 4
return code

func (m *Mesh) String() string {
s := m.gridSize
c := m.cellSize
pbc := ""
if m.pbc != [3]int{0, 0, 0} {
pbc = fmt.Sprintf(", PBC: [%v x %v x %v],", m.pbc[0], m.pbc[1], m.pbc[2])
return fmt.Sprintf("[%v x %v x %v] x [%vm x %vm x %vm]%v", s[0], s[1], s[2], float32(c[0]), float32(c[1]), float32(c[2]), pbc)

// product of elements.
func prod(size [3]int) int {
return size[0] * size[1] * size[2]
10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions data/meta.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
package data

// Holds meta data to be saved together with a slice.
// Typically winds up in OVF or DUMP header
type Meta struct {
Name, Unit string
Time, TimeStep float64
CellSize [3]float64
MeshUnit string
92 changes: 92 additions & 0 deletions data/resample.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
package data

import (

// Resample returns a slice of new size N,
// using nearest neighbor interpolation over the input slice.
func Resample(in *Slice, N [3]int) *Slice {
if in.Size() == N {
return in // nothing to do
In := in.Tensors()
out := NewSlice(in.NComp(), N)
Out := out.Tensors()
size1 := SizeOf(In[0])
size2 := SizeOf(Out[0])
for c := range Out {
for i := range Out[c] {
i1 := (i * size1[Z]) / size2[Z]
for j := range Out[c][i] {
j1 := (j * size1[Y]) / size2[Y]
for k := range Out[c][i][j] {
k1 := (k * size1[X]) / size2[X]
Out[c][i][j][k] = In[c][i1][j1][k1]
return out

// Downsample returns a slice of new size N, smaller than in.Size().
// Averaging interpolation over the input slice.
// in is returned untouched if the sizes are equal.
func Downsample(In [][][][]float32, N [3]int) [][][][]float32 {
if SizeOf(In[0]) == N {
return In // nothing to do

nComp := len(In)
out := NewSlice(nComp, N)
Out := out.Tensors()

srcsize := SizeOf(In[0])
dstsize := SizeOf(Out[0])

Dx := dstsize[X]
Dy := dstsize[Y]
Dz := dstsize[Z]
Sx := srcsize[X]
Sy := srcsize[Y]
Sz := srcsize[Z]
scalex := Sx / Dx
scaley := Sy / Dy
scalez := Sz / Dz
util.Assert(scalex > 0 && scaley > 0)

for c := range Out {

for iz := 0; iz < Dz; iz++ {
for iy := 0; iy < Dy; iy++ {
for ix := 0; ix < Dx; ix++ {
sum, n := 0.0, 0.0

for I := 0; I < scalez; I++ {
i2 := iz*scalez + I
for J := 0; J < scaley; J++ {
j2 := iy*scaley + J
for K := 0; K < scalex; K++ {
k2 := ix*scalex + K

if i2 < Sz && j2 < Sy && k2 < Sx {
sum += float64(In[c][i2][j2][k2])
Out[c][iz][iy][ix] = float32(sum / n)

return Out

// Returns the 3D size of block
func SizeOf(block [][][]float32) [3]int {
return [3]int{len(block[0][0]), len(block[0]), len(block)}
24 changes: 24 additions & 0 deletions data/reshape.go
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@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
package data

// Array reshaping.

import "fmt"

// Re-interpret a contiguous array as a multi-dimensional array of given size.
// Underlying storage is shared.
func reshape(array []float32, size [3]int) [][][]float32 {
Nx, Ny, Nz := size[0], size[1], size[2]
if Nx*Ny*Nz != len(array) {
panic(fmt.Errorf("reshape: size mismatch: %v*%v*%v != %v", Nx, Ny, Nz, len(array)))
sliced := make([][][]float32, Nz)
for i := range sliced {
sliced[i] = make([][]float32, Ny)
for i := range sliced {
for j := range sliced[i] {
sliced[i][j] = array[(i*Ny+j)*Nx+0 : (i*Ny+j)*Nx+Nx]
return sliced

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