It is now possible to control rolling robots with ronoco. It will be necessary to launch ronoco with the command
roslaunch ronoco rolling.launch namespace:=string
With as argument :
- namespace: the namespace for your robot without last / (default " ")
Now, to launch ronoco in manipulator mode, the following command must be executed
roslaunch ronoco manipulator.launch commander:=string compliant_mode:=string end_effector:=string
With as argument :
- commander: the name of the move_group in MoveIt
- compliant_mode: manual if the robot can go into compliant mode manually, None if the robot cannot go into compliant mode, or the name of the service to put it in and out of compliant mode.
- end_effector: the name of the service to manipulate the effector, e.g. "wsg_50_driver/move". It is not necessary to fill in this field
Ronoco will always launch at the address http://localhost:8080/ it will then be necessary to establish the connection with your robot. For example in the case of a ur3 in simulation it will be necessary to launch
roslaunch ur3_moveit_config demo.launch config:=true
in parallel to ronoco manipulator. For more details please refer to the different examples.
Rolling robots
The following new features are available for the rolling robots:
- ✨ Teleoperation: allows to move the robot thanks to the directional arrows integrated in the ronoco interface
- ✨ Navigation: new block available in Node-RED allowing to navigate the robot to a defined point thanks to the simulated and real buttons in the ronoco interface
- ✨ Coverage: new block available in Node-RED allowing the robot to scan an area defined by n points (n greater than 2)
- ✨ Patrol: new block available in Node-RED allowing the robot to follow a path defined by n points (n greater than 1)
A complete example on a turtlebot 3 burger is available in the documentation
Details of the different blocks and their use are available in the documentation
Changes have also been made in ronoco
- ✨ Sleep: new block available in Node-RED allowing to pause tree execution for n seconds
- ✨ Logs: when running a tree the log messages on the left side are now more precise about which block is causing the problem and why
- 💄 Viewing recorded points: now when you record points from ronoco (with the simulated or real button) a blue marker with the point ID will be displayed in rviz. To enable this feature it is necessary to configure rviz by following this guide
- 🐛 Fixed a bug preventing the use of the inverter decorator
- 🏗️ Separation of common, rolling robot specific and manipulator arm specific blocks in Node-RED
- ✔️ Redesign of ronoco-vm tests