BR: Review: Optimizations and corrections
BR: Wording: Optimizations and corrections
Filters are sections with a statement, patterns and final logical
expression. Patterns are variables with a regular expression.
BR: Session: Correction in continuation
BR: Session: Correction of the repeated analysis of the last mail
CR: License: Changed to Apache License Version 2.0
CR: Filter: Optimization of syntax
- Sections have a fixed structure: statement, variables, expression
- Statement is the first line, expression is the last line
- The continuation of lines is based on indentation,
which ... syntax at the beginning of the line is omitted
- PAT and EXP as line prefix are omitted
- Patterns are now variable declarations
- Variables use word characters as well underscore
- Variables are separated from the expression by a colon
CR: Logging: Enhancement of the outputs
CR: Build: Releases are now only available on the release page
CR: Build: Optimizations