This repository contains java code for a simple command to get cell level mapping information (number of reads that are intronic, intergenic, multimapped, etc) from the output in CellRanger (tested with CellRanger v5 and v6 using the include introns flag, should work with more recent versions as well though no gurantees. Should work on spaceranger output as well, and both single nuc and single cell data).
To get the cell level QC information use Jar/SingleCellQC.jar. The script requires java (was compiled with version 1.8).
The most basic way to run, given an outs directory produced by CellRanger (tested with v6) then you can run
java -jar /path/to/repo/Jar/SingleCellQC.jar -d /path/to/cellranger/output/outs -o out.txt
Where out.txt can be replaced with the name of your output file of choice.
If one would like to count the number of reads overlapping a UTR (counts reads overlapping both the 3' and 5' end) need to pass a gtf with UTRs in it (can have UTR, three_prime_utr, or fivee_prime_utr):
java -jar /path/to/repo/Jar/SingleCellQC.jar -d /path/to/cellranger/output/outs -o out.txt -g genes.gtf
Note the UTR feature has not been properly tested yet so take it's outputs with a grain of salt.
For a more verbose version (printing out a message every million alignments) can add the -v flag. Can also use the -t flag to only run on the first 10 million reads (for testing purposes). Finally there is also the -s flag that runs some basic sanity checks (checking things that should be integers are, things that should be percentages are, and comparing the results to the sample level (as opposed to cell level) metrics file output by 10X).
If you do not have the outs directory or only want to run on a subset of cells, etc, the most basic way to run, if input.bam is the input bam, cells.txt a list of cell barcodes (plain text format, for gzipped see below, cell names should have the -1 suffix), out.txt is the file you want your results to be writen to, then can run
java -jar /path/to/repo/Jar/SingleCellQC.jar -i input.bam -c cells.txt -o out.txt
If your cell file is gzipped (so cells.txt.gz) as the list produced by CellRanger is need the -z flag:
java -jar /path/to/repo/Jar/SingleCellQC.jar -i input.bam -c cells.txt.gz -o out.txt -z
Note -o is required, as is either -d or -c and -i.
A more detailed description will be added, as well examples and more tests, assuming I ever have the time.
The output is a matrix with one row per cell barcode in the cell list given. The columns:
Cell barcode
Number of reads that are antisense to some gene (excludes one that are sense in relation to some gene).
Number of reads that are intergenic.
Number of reads that are intronic.
Number of reads that are exonic.
Number of reads that are multimappers.
Number of reads that are unmapped.
Number of reads that map to the transcriptome with high conifdence.
Number of reads with any number of bases trimmed due to poly-A.
Number of reads with any number of bases trimmed due to TSO.
Number of reads with a splice even in them (only counts uniquelly mapped reads)
Average percent of bases (rounded to the nearest percent) in the CBC over all reads with quality score >30.
Average percent of bases (rounded to the nearest percent) in the UMI over all reads with quality score >30.
Number of UMI in this cell.
Number of reads overlapping a known UTR of the gene the are assigned to. Set to 0 if -g is not given. Note this functionality has not been tested so treat with caution.
The total number of reads in this cell.
Will likely add more/try to extend beyond CellRanger but that might not be for some time.
The output file name (required)
Path to the outs directory produced by CellRanger. Either need this or -c and -i.
Tab seperated list of cells, one per line, with each cell name ending in -1. Overridden by -d.
Used if the cell list passed to -c is zipped. Set automatically if -d is given.
A barcoded bam file produced by CellRanger. Overridden by -d.
A gtf file, preferably one matching the CellRanger reference. Used to figure out which reads overlap a UTR. If not given UTR is set to 0 for all cells.
Included for a more verbose output (print a message every million lines of bam file).
Used for testing purposes, ends the program after reading in 10 million alignments from the bam.
Prints some basic sanity checks and a handful of unit tests of the analysis. In particular, looks to make sure integers are integers, percents are percents, and compares the aggregate results of the QC metrics produced to the sample level results returned by CellRanger. Meant to be used with the -d flag.
Matrix input, not currently used though likely will be some day.
The quantification method used. CellRanger by default, can also be STARSolo.
This tool is built to be used with CellRanger, though with preprocessing can run with STARSolo (note: it has not been well tested with STARSolo so use at your own risk). In particular, need to use scripts/ to preprocess the bam file from STARSolo, namely run:
source $bam $gtf $prefix
where bam is the output bam for STARSolo, gtf is the gtf used in the reference, and prefix is the output prefix. Will output a few documents, but the one of interest is ${outprefix}.label.bam which can be used as the input bam to our script. Note many of the QCs are not output for STARSolo.
The jar file was built with gradle. To rerun gradle change directory to the gradle directory and run:
./gradlew build
The new jar will be in app/build/libs.
The src code is in the src directory. Will work on making cleaner code if I get the chance.
With the sanity check, the results don't perfectly match between the metrics file and the results from CellLevel_QC. Should I be worried?
We have found decent agreement with Antisense, Intronic, Exonic, quality, and Intergenic results, but not perfect. There are also some metrics we use only uniquelly mapped reads while CellRanger includes other reads as well. Large differences might be a sign of an issue, but could also be due to other effects (low number of reads in cells, etc).
What testing has this program undergone?
So far the testing is limited (plan on doing more, just haven't had the chance). Most of it has involved comparing the outputs of this program to 10X outputs, either in aggregate (with the -s flag), or on a cell by cell bases (only done with nUMI, done manually but will add automatic tests for it at some point). Also a few unit tests where implemented (also run with the -s flag), more will come.