Vertinetik-SM 2023-09-23
las_tile = readLAS("/media/seamus/USB1/Shavington/clouda340d379a59ddadf.las", select = 'xyzcr', filter = '-drop_class 19')
#Classify ground & noise
las_tile_csf = classify_ground(las_tile, csf(sloop_smooth=TRUE, 0.5, 1))
#las_tile_csf_so = classify_noise(las_tile_csf, sor(k=10, m=3))
#Clean noise
las_tile_csf_norm = normalize_height(las_tile_csf, knnidw())
#Clean overlaps
#las_tile_chm_so_norm_clean = filter_duplicates(las_tile_csf_so_norm)
las_tile_chm = grid_canopy(las_tile_csf_norm, 1, dsmtin(8))
#plot(las_tile_chm, col = height.colors(50))
writeRaster(las_tile_chm, filename = "/media/seamus/USB1/Shavington/lead_htop_raster.tif", overwrite=TRUE)
kernel <- matrix(1,3,3)
heights <- seq(0,40,0.5)
window_plowright <- wf_plowright(heights)
plot(heights, window_plowright, type = "l", ylim = c(0,12), xlab="point elevation (m)", ylab="window diameter (m)", main='Plowright, 2018')
las_tile_chm_smooth = focal(las_tile_chm, w = kernel, fun = median, na.rm = TRUE)
ttops_1.5mfloor_plowright = ForestTools::vwf(las_tile_chm_smooth, wf_plowright, 1.5)
#ttops_1.5mfloor_plowright = ForestTools::vwf(CHM = las_tile_chm_smooth, winFun = wf_plowright, minHeight = 2)
ttops_1.5mfloor_plowright_sp = as_Spatial(ttops_1.5mfloor_plowright)
writeOGR(ttops_1.5mfloor_plowright_sp, "/media/seamus/USB1/Shavington", "ttops_1.5mfloor_plowright_sp", driver = "ESRI Shapefile")
## Reading layer `ttops_1.5mfloor_plowright_sp' from data source
## `/media/seamus/USB1/Shavington/ttops_1.5mfloor_plowright_sp.shp'
## using driver `ESRI Shapefile'
## Simple feature collection with 4016 features and 3 fields
## Geometry type: POINT
## Dimension: XY
## Bounding box: xmin: 530232.5 ymin: 5865174 xmax: 530958.5 ymax: 5865872
## Projected CRS: WGS 84 / UTM zone 30N
## treeID height winRadius geometry
## Min. : 1 Min. : 1.531 Min. :0.6765 POINT :4016
## 1st Qu.:1005 1st Qu.:16.882 1st Qu.:1.4441 epsg:32630 : 0
## Median :2008 Median :22.177 Median :1.7088 +proj=utm ...: 0
## Mean :2008 Mean :20.968 Mean :1.6484
## 3rd Qu.:3012 3rd Qu.:26.424 3rd Qu.:1.9212
## Max. :4016 Max. :34.566 Max. :2.3283