This is the source code of Blog posts can be found in the content/post/
This site is built with the blogdown package, and Hugo, which can be installed using blogdown::install_hugo()
The blog is built on the hugo-academic theme.
This website is built in a container using the tidyverse docker image. To run the docker image run:
docker run -d -p 8787:8787 --name -e USER=seabbs -e PASSWORD=seabbs seabbs/
The rstudio client can be found on port :8787
at your local machines ip. The default username:password is seabbs:seabbs, set the user with -e USER=username
, and the password with - e PASSWORD=newpasswordhere
. The default is to save the analysis files into the user directory.
To run a plain R terminal use:
docker run --rm -it --user seabbs /usr/bin/R
To run a plain bash session:
docker run --rm -it --user seabbs /bin/bash
To connect as root:
docker exec -ti -u root bash