Releases: sdskit/sdscli
v1.3.4: SDSKit CLI version 1.3.4
Bug fixes and Enhancements:
- HC-522-update: Updates that support moving away from default OPS user in the Verdi container (#108)
- Made more modular in that it uses HOST_VERDI_HOME instead of HOME to make the script support the use case of being able to deploy the PCM code bundle anywhere instead of always assuming it will be under $HOME
- Similiarly, DATA_DIR was introduced to be able to make it more modular to reference the base working directory to be anywhere instead of assuming /data always.
- Use cp instead of mv when deploying the AWS, .netrc, and .boto files/directories.
supervisord.conf.tmpl was updated such that it no longer has the httpd service as a default due to JPL security in starting up webdav within Verdi. Rather, httpd service is going to be started up by the system instead.
v1.3.3: SDSKit CLI version 1.3.3
v1.3.2: SDSKit CLI version 1.3.2
Bug fixes and Enhancements:
- HC-517: Enable importing of container name-only images and user-rules via sdscli (#106)
v1.3.1: SDSKit CLI version 1.3.1
Bug fixes and Enhancements:
- hot-fix: Fix the index pattern in the ISM Mozart policy (#105)
v1.3.0: SDSKit CLI version 1.3.0
Specify body of new release. Previous release's body below:
To help you formulate the release body, the list of behind commit messages are provided below:
sha: 5af3097
html_url: 5af3097
HC-490 - Supporting Opensearch Dashboards (#104)
migrating from kibana -> opensearch dashboards
distinguishing between ILM/ISM
removing hardcoded ILM in templates
using python scripts to install ILM/ISM instead of raw curl requests
commented out ingest pipeline for consolidation of databases
removed warm_migration action bc returning 403
removed cold state b/c AWS opensearch uses cold_delete and non managed uses delete only
copied kibana_dashboard_import into opensearch_dashboards_import
updated import_dashboards for opensearch
added mozart_redis_host in
separating the kibana/opensearch logic in the update kibana function
flipped logic around to make elasticseaech the default
fixed opensearch_dashboards.yml
fixed sdswatch shell script to use logstash-oss-7.16.3
logstash 7.9.3 -> logstash-oss 7.16.3
forgot to add sleep in import opensearch dashboard
remove field in ism
edited jvm.options
removed trailing comma
no kibana in opensearch
added opensearch support for sds status
added base path /metrics for dashboards
fixed opensearch dashboards endpoint
removed /metrics
uncommented jvm.options
removed cold and addtl support for multiple hosts
small changes
separated sdswatch for opensearch vs elasticsearch
move ism/ilm polivies inside if/else
use hsysds es_util to get ES status
call ES core to call ping function
don't use host when calling es functions
Co-authored-by: dustinlo [email protected]
Co-authored-by: Mike Cayanan [email protected]
v1.2.3: SDSKit CLI version 1.2.3
Bug fixes and enhancements:
- HC-496: Updates to optionally support a separate Mozart ES cluster deployment (#103)
v1.2.2: SDSKit CLI version 1.2.2
Bug fixes and enhancements:
move to fab-classic as it has active support and development (#96) (#98)
NSDS-2584 - Implement rollover of old job, task, worker, event ES docs on Mozart ES (#100)
HC-447: Added capability to rollover old job_status indices in Mozart ES (#94)
bump version
added lifecycle and aliases to templates
using to remove mozart indices
deleting templates is _index_template, not _template
added note to location of template files
hotfix: show product/input counts correctly (#101)
- hotfix: show product/input counts correctly
- updated to JSON export format for ES 7.*
bump version
HC-469: Cannot properly update GRQ when cluster is configured with AWS OpenSearch Service (#102)
HC-469: Call script to install base ES template
bump version
fixed typo
grq is in grq2 path
install base es template after pushing out settings.cfg
push up celery config first
v1.2.1: SDSKit CLI version 1.2.1
Specify body of new release. Previous release's body below:
Bug fixes and enhancements:
- move to fab-classic as it has active support and development (#96) (#98)
- NSDS-2584 - Implement rollover of old job, task, worker, event ES docs on Mozart ES (#100)
- HC-447: Added capability to rollover old job_status indices in Mozart ES (#94)
- bump version
- added lifecycle and aliases to templates
- using to remove mozart indices
- deleting templates is _index_template, not _template
- added note to location of template files
To help you formulate the release body, the list of behind commit messages are provided below:
sha: 58697ae
html_url: 58697ae
hotfix: show product/input counts correctly (#101)
- hotfix: show product/input counts correctly
- updated to JSON export format for ES 7.*
- bump version
v1.2.0: SDSKit CLI version 1.2.0
Bug fixes and enhancements:
- move to fab-classic as it has active support and development (#96) (#98)
- NSDS-2584 - Implement rollover of old job, task, worker, event ES docs on Mozart ES (#100)
- HC-447: Added capability to rollover old job_status indices in Mozart ES (#94)
- bump version
- added lifecycle and aliases to templates
- using to remove mozart indices
- deleting templates is _index_template, not _template
- added note to location of template files