The project aims to shows how to build an End-to-End data pipeline (ETL) and perform basic data analytics on a couple of stocks, ETFs and crypto (which I currently hold) while testing out cool technologies like Mage, DuckDB and Apache Superset.
The Mage-AI Stocks Project uses data from Alpha Vantage.
Access keys can be created by following the Alpha Vantage docs:
Mage-ai -> For data pipeline development and orchestration (Get info here)
DuckDB -> For data storage (Find more here)
Visualizations -> Apache Superset (More info here)
Containerisation -> Docker
Language -> Python
The data pipeline consists of the following steps:
- Connect to the Alpha Vantage API using the access keys
- Retrieve several finance data (Income statement, Cash flow etatement, Balance Sheet, Daily share prices) from the API
- Process the data using Mage-AI
- Save the processed data in Duck DB (aka Poor's man Data Warehouse)
A flowchart of the pipeline is shown below:
This is how it looks in Mage. However, to avoid issues with limited calls from API i have break it down in 5 pipelines. So, first I save the data in 4 separate tables and then merge them to one big table.
To set up the project, follow these steps:
- Clone the repository and navigate to the project directory
- Build/Start the Docker container using Make mageBuild -> Make mageStart
- For local development create conda environment
- activate conda environment by calling conda activate mage_finace
- Run the pipeline -> This will save the results in duckDB
- Clone the Apache Superset repository
- To mount the duckDB file in Apache Superset navigate to the corresponding repo and inside the docker-compose-non-dev.yml under x-superset-volumes: &superset-volumes copy the duckDB path in the app container eg. - /{full path}/stockapp.duckdb:/app/stockapp.duckdb
- In Make file change the path of the Apache Superset where docker-compose-non-dev.yml is located (in your local superset repo)
- Fire up Apache superset by using Make supersetUP
- To succesfully run duckDB in Apache Superset do the following:
- Get the super_app container ID (you can docker ps to see the running containers)
- Then run docker exec -it dockerId sh -c "pip install duckdb_engine"
!NOTE probably I could have simplified the steps above by adding everything in docker-compose file :) Also the Apache superset configuration to be able to run DuckDB was the most challenging part
To run the pipeline, follow these steps:
- Access the Mage-AI web interface at http://localhost:6789/
- Click on the "stockProject" pipeline
- You may want to run the individual ones to avoid errors from API
- Click on "Run pipeline now" and "Run now"
- Enter the trigger and check the pipeline result
Work in progress of the dashboard is shown below
- Add more tests
- Add more data quality checks
- Implement CI/CD with Github Actions