Device Management App
This project is a Device Management application designed to handle device inventory with features like adding, editing, filtering, sorting, and searching devices.
Add and Edit Devices: Add new devices or edit existing device information.
Filter by Device Type: Filter devices based on the type (All, Windows, Mac, Linux).
Sort Devices: Sort devices by system name (A-Z, Z-A) or HDD capacity (Low to High, High to Low).
Search Devices: Search for devices by system name.
Responsive Design: User-friendly interface for managing device inventory.
git clone
cd devicesTask_serverApp
$ npm install
Run dev server:
$ npm start
Start webpack build process:
-will auto build on save
$ npm run dev
Base url: http://localhost:3001
Fetch DeviceList
GET /devices
Fetch specific device
GET /devices/:id
Remove device from DeviceList
DELETE /devices/:id
Create new device
POST /devices
Request Body content-type {"system_name": "DESKTOP-ONE","type": "WINDOWS","hdd_capacity": "92"}
Update device
PUT /devices/:id
Request Body content-type {"system_name": "DESKTOP-OFFICE","type": "MAC","hdd_capacity": "500"}
DeviceModal Handles adding and editing device details.
TableActions Provides search, filter, and sort functionalities for the device table.
DeviceList Renders the list of devices with their details.
CSS Modules Scoped CSS: Each component has its corresponding CSS module for specific styling.
Global Styles: Common styles are defined in styles.css.
Adding a Device
-Open the modal by clicking the "Add Device" button.
-Fill in the details.
-Submit to add the device to the inventory.
Editing a Device
-Open the edit modal by clicking the edit icon next to a device.
-Modify the details.
-Submit to save changes.
Filtering Devices
-Select a device type from the filter dropdown in TableActions.
-View the filtered list of devices.
Sorting Devices
-Select a sort option from the sort dropdown in TableActions.
-View the sorted list of devices.
Searching Devices
-Enter a search term in the search input.
-View the matching devices based on the search term.