Telegram bot for check gradle in GAPS (HEIG-VD's platform for gradle). This can also check regularly if a user have new gradle and send message if.
- python-telegram-bot
- beautifulsoup4
- ics
- dask-sphinx-theme (for generate documentation)
- sphinx (for generate documentation)
pip3 install python-telegram-bot beautifulsoup4 ics
# if you need generate documentation
apt install python3-sphinx-rtd-theme python3-sphinx
apt install python3-python-telegram-bot python3-bs4
pip3 install ics
# if you need generate documentation
apt install python3-sphinx-rtd-theme python3-sphinx
sudo pacman -S python-pip python-telegram-bot python-beautifulsoup4
sudo pip install ics
# if you need generate documentation
sudo pacman -S python-sphinx
sudo pip install sphinx_rtd_theme
cd /opt/
git clone -b stable
cp heig-bot/config.json.sample heig-bot/config.json
mkdir -p /var/heig-bot/ # set right for script can write
You need create a telegram bot with BotFather, and copy
the bot key in config.json
. (value of bot_token
heig-bot can have admins, you can copy telegram userid (it's a number)
to config.json
in admin
in group group
heig-bot can send a message when he start, you can copy telegram userid
(it's a number) to config.json
in log
in group group
You can see your telegram userid when you send /help
to the heig-bot
The bot can start without admin, but you need remove "" from admin
in group group
and log
in group
in config.json
, for empty array.
cd /opt/heig-bot && ./
docker build -t heig-bot .
docker run --rm -ti heig-bot
docker-compose up
add to cron :
*/5 * * * * cd /opt/heig-bot && ./
Install deps for generate docs (see above).
cd docs
make html
- Update CHANGES.rst
- Update version number heig/