Welcome to the 1569 programming team handbook, the complete cheat-sheet to how Haywire does programming, electronics, and more. We hope to eventually build it out to a far more extensive handbook, but for the time being it has a basic guide that will get you started programming FRC bots if you are new to it.
If you are just getting started on the programming team, then there are several lessons that you will need to go over. These are highly recommended if you want to help us make big hunk of metal go zoom.
- Lesson 0: So You Want To Code A Robot?, a 3,000 ft view of what we do in programming
- Lesson 1: Coding For Beginners
- Lesson 2: Your Toolkit
- Lesson 3: Starting a Robot Codebase (WIP)
We ask that you read and follow along with all of them, including doing the programming modules assigned in Lesson 1. If you have access to a personal computer that is either yours or that you have permission to install software on then please go through the process of installing programming software that is covered in lessons 2 and 3. Otherwise, just follow along, do as many of the Codeacademy modules that you can in the browser, and have fun!