Extract transactions from TD Visa statement
This project came about because every year I need to get all my credit card transactions for the last income tax and categorize them for tax credits. Unfortunately, TD.com makes available for .CSV download only the last 6 statements; older ones are available only in PDF format.
Turns out there is a handy golang library called Unipdf by UniDoc that has a practical free-tier: up to a 100 docs can be converted per month. This is way more than I will ever need.
So to use this software, you must create an account on https://cloud.unidoc.io and create an API
KEY which you then set in an environment variable called UNIDOC_LICENSE_API_KEY
. Then simply
run go build
and ./td-visa-pdf-xactions-to-csv path/to/statement.pdf YEAR
. The year is necessary
because the dates in the transactions do not have a year (feel free to submit a PR for getting
the year from the statement itself).
To do a bunch of files at once I use bash shell with
for f in path/to/statements/*.pdf; do ./td-visa-pdf-xactions-to-csv "$f"; echo; done
If this is useful to you, let me know!