This Magento 2 module schedules a cron job to send a HTTP GET request to monitoring service (or a similar service) every hour. When the cron jobs are not running per the expected schedule, will send a notification to the store owner. It is then a good idea to check if other Magento cron jobs are running normally.
This monitoring setup will detect various failure scenarios, including:
- system's cron daemon is not running
- Magento cron job runner crashes on startup
- One of the Magento cron jobs runs longer than expected and blocks other jobs from running
Run the following:
Optional, run only if "Core" module is not installed yet:
composer config repositories.module-core git
composer require scandiweb/module-core:"dev-master as 0.1.2"
composer config repositories.module-menumanager git [email protected]:scandiwebcom/Cron-Health-Checker.git
composer require scandiweb/cronhealth:1.2.1
php -f bin/magento setup:upgrade
Stores->Configuration->Scandiweb->Cron health checks If 'Enabled' is set to 'No', cron job will still be scheduled, it just will not do anything.
Same module for Magento 1: