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Application of Reinforcement Learning for Cargo Stowage Planning of Roll-on/Roll-off Ships

Technische Universität Berlin

Institut für Technologie und Management

Fachgebiet Logistik

Fakultät VII

Straße des 17. Juni 135

10623 Berlin

Source code repository

This repository contains the source code of the master thesis by Söhnke Braun.

Detailed citations and references to the work of others may be found in the bibliography of the corresponding thesis.

How to use

  1. Install the latest anaconda distribution for python 3.7.0 or higher from

  2. Clone or copy the repository to your machine ( downloading the zip-file and extracting it)

  3. Open the Anaconda Prompt and navigate to your local copy of the repository

    Basic Navigation in command window:

    • cd YourFolder -> navigate to the folder YourFolder

    • cd .. -> navigate to the parentfolder

  4. Install dependencies (or check if they are already installed) by typing: pip3 install -r requirements.txt or pip install -r requirements.txt

  5. Type jupyter notebook and open file examples/Training.ipynb or examples/Usage.ipynb

Note: To test and use submitted prototypes, it must be ensures that the folder output is on the same level as this repostitory.


Master thesis repository






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