Authors :
- Simone Bna ([email protected])
- Eric Pascolo ([email protected])
Version : Cineca Parallel Summer School 2018
Follow the steps below to configure git on your machine.
0.0.1 Is git installed on your machine?
git apt install git (Deb example)
0.0.2 Configure username and email for your remote hub account
git config --global "Name Surname" git config --global "[email protected]”
0.0.3 Configure your favorite editor
git config --global core.editor vim
0.0.4 Show all git settings
git config --list
In this exercise we learn the basic git commands, how to set-up multiple remote repos and how to manage branches workflow.
1.1.1 Create a local empty repository
mkdir ex1_1 cd ex1_1 git init
1.1.2 Create a README file in the repo
1.1.3 Add a new file to the staging area
git add
1.1.4 Commit your changes
git commit -m "commit description"
1.1.5 Create a directory into the repo
mkdir my_software
1.1.6 Try to commit "my_software", is it allowed?
git add my_software git commit -m "commit directoy"
1.1.7 --CHECK-- Use git status to check the repo status
git status
1.1.8 Create local_configuration file in "my_software"
cd my_software touch local_configuration.cfg
1.1.9 Add a .gitignore file to avoid to commit the "local_configuration.cfg" file
touch .gitignore echo "local_configuration.cfg" >> .gitignore git statuts -u # show untracked not ignored file git add .gitignore git commit -m"create gitignore file"
1.1.10 --CHECK-- if directory my_software is now commited
git ls-tree --full-tree -r master
1.1.11 Use git log to view the history of the repo, how many commits are there?
git log
1.1.12 Use git ls-files to add multiple files to the repository
cd my_software touch git ls-files -o # show list of untrucked files git add $(git ls-files -o) # don't worry, ignored files will be not processed git commit -m "create message"
1.1.13 Use git tag to identify the first code version
git tag v0.1 -m "code version 0.1"
1.1.14 Change and commit, check with git diff the difference between HEAD and the previous commit (HEAD^)
echo "print(\"Hello World\")" >> git add git commit -m "create Hello World software" git diff HEAD HEAD^
In this exercise we continue to work with the previous local repository.
1.2.1 Create a remote empty repository on Github ( read the user-guide web page Create a Repo )
1.2.2 Check if your local repo has remote repos linked
git remote -v
1.2.3 Copy the remote repo URL and link it with the local repo, call it ORIGIN
git remote add origin your_url
1.2.4 Sync local and ORIGIN with push command
git push origin master
1.2.5 --CHECK-- if syncronization is completed, can you see tag in ORIGIN?
1.2.6 Push the tag to ORIGIN
git push origin --tags
1.2.7 --CHECK-- if syncronization is really completed
1.2.8 Create a new remote repo for BACKUP and add it to the local repo
git remote add backup url_backup_repo
1.2.9 --CHECK-- if the local repo is linked with ORIGIN and BACKUP
git remote -v
1.2.10 Push the local repo to BACKUP
git push --tags backup master
1.3.1 Create DEV branch
git checkout -b dev
1.3.2 --CHECK-- how many branches exists in local repository
git branch
1.3.3 Modify file and commit it
echo "print(\" I'm IO \")" >> git add git commit -m "change"
1.3.4 Return to Master branch, modify and commit it
git checkout master echo "print(\" I'm main \")" >> git add git commit -m "change"
1.3.5 Return to dev branch, change and commit it
git checkout dev echo "print(\" I'm LOG \")" >> git add git commit -m "change"
1.3.6 Return to master and merge it with DEV branch
git checkout master git merge dev
1.3.7 Show the branches diagram with git log
git log --all --graph --decorate --oneline
1.3.8 Reset the last commit in order to try rebase of branches instead of merge
git reset --hard HEAD^
1.3.9 Use git rebase
git rebase dev
1.3.10 --CHECK-- use git log to see the new diagram of branches, observe the difference between rebase and merge
git log --all --graph --decorate --oneline
This exercise will be done in groups. Create a group of 3 persons (max 4) and define who is the Team Leader (TL). The other members are simply other developer (OD). In the first part of the exercise we work with only a single branch (master branch); in the second part we introduce the dev branch to simulate a real developer's workflow.
- 2.1.1 TL forks the CINECA git_course repo into the TL's remote repo.
- 2.1.2 ODs fork the TL's remote repo in their public remote repo.
- 2.1.3 TL and OD clone their remote repos locally
- 2.1.4 TL adds as REMOTES the OD's remote repos
- 2.1.5 ODs add as REMOTES the TL's remote repo
- 2.1.6 --CHECK-- if history is syncronized on all repos
- 2.1.7 Each member changes a different file
- 2.1.8 Each member pushes and pulls to resync all repos
- 2.1.9 --CHECK-- if all repos are syncronized
- 2.1.10 Tl and ODs change the same line of the same file on their local repos
- 2.1.11 TL commits and pushes his change on his remote repo.
- 2.1.12 ODs pull from TL's remote repo and manage the conflict
- 2.1.13 --CHECK-- if all repos are syncronized
- 2.1.14 ODs change the same line of the same file, commit and push on their remote repos
- 2.1.15 TL pulls from ODs' remote repos, chooses the correct change and manages the conflict
- 2.1.16 --CHECK-- if all repos are syncronized
- 2.2.1 TL creates the branch DEV on the local repo and pushes it on his remote repo. ATTENTION : TL is the only developer that can change the DEV branch
- 2.2.2 ODs pull TL's remote repo and push the new branch on their remote repos.
- 2.2.3 --CHECK-- if all repos have the DEV brach
- 2.2.4 ODs create a new branch on their local repos, the branch name has to be unique and has to contain the feature implemented in this branch.
- 2.2.5 ODs code the feature in the new branch, ODs commit the changes and push on their remote repos.
- 2.2.6 TL pulls the new branches from ODs remote repos, TL merges the two branches on DEV, TL pushes the changes on his remote repo
- 2.2.7 ODs pull the merged DEV branch on their local repo and sync with their remote repos
- 2.2.8 --CHECK-- if all repos have the branch DEV merged with the OD changes