I’m Sébastien
Interested in: Data Analytics, Optimization technics (Machine Learning, Algorithms)
Currently diving into: Reinforcement Learning
Repo | Name |
AI-Snake The Snake game solved using Algoritmics and Reinforcement Learning |
MIT Course: Machine Learning MITx 6.86x, Machine Learning with Python. Course notes and summaries. |
Leetcode Collection of solved coding exercices from https://leetcode.com. Data Structures, Algorithms. In Python. My Leetcode homepage |
More: The Repositories page |
Badge | Name |
MITx 6.86x Machine Learning with Python. From Linear Models to Deep Learning, Dec 2021 |
SQL SQL badge Gold Level, HackerRank, 2021 hackerrank.com/sebastien_bgz |
AWS Certification: AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner. |
Leetcode Daily Challenge May 2021 For completing 31 days of problems solving from 1st to 31 of May 2021 |
Leetcode Daily Challenge April 2021 For completing 30 days of problems solving from 1st to 30 of April 2021 |