GroupName: Arsh
Leader: Jafar Rezaei Email: [email protected]
Team Members : Jafar Rezaei, Mohammad Toosi, Jafar Akhondali
- ES6 browser compatible features[Without using babel as transpiler]
- Webpack as module bundler and dev server
- Jasmine - A unit test framework for javascript
- Karma - A test Runner framework which supports jasmine
- JsDoc3 - Generate api documents by parsing comments and source code
- tui-jsdoc-template - A template for JsDoc3 with search ability
- AesJs - A library to do AES encryption in pure javascript
- Some more github sources with MIT licence
Installation Guide:
yarn install
Using NPM:
npm install
Tip : node version should be >=9.10
if it is not :
npm install nvm -g
nvm install 9.10.0
nvm use 9.10.0
- Execute dev server:
yarn start
- Build dist files for production use
yarn build
Unit Test
- Run unit tests:
yarn test
- View unit test results in your browser:
yarn view-test
Api Documents : Actually you can see the wiki and api-doc by clicking on bottom links that provided to , on game loader main page bottom. but if you want.
Generate api-doc :
- Generate API-DOCS:
yarn generate-docs
- View API-Docs in your browser:
yarn view-docs
Generate gitbook :
cd wiki/
npm i gitbook-cli -g
gitbook install
gitbook serve
Who's a good boy?