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toots committed Jan 1, 2024
1 parent 52b108a commit 4caa962
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Showing 6 changed files with 161 additions and 123 deletions.
10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions .ocamlformat
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
profile = conventional
break-separators = after
space-around-lists = false
doc-comments = before
match-indent = 2
match-indent-nested = always
exp-grouping = preserve
module-item-spacing = compact
45 changes: 28 additions & 17 deletions src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,13 +5,21 @@

type t = Buffer.t

let w (svg:t) f = Printf.ksprintf (fun s -> Buffer.add_string svg s; Buffer.add_char svg '\n') f
let w (svg : t) f =
(fun s ->
Buffer.add_string svg s;
Buffer.add_char svg '\n')

let prop name o = Option.fold ~none:"" ~some:(Printf.sprintf " %s=\"%s\"" name) o
let prop name o =
Option.fold ~none:"" ~some:(Printf.sprintf " %s=\"%s\"" name) o

let prop_int name o = Option.fold ~none:"" ~some:(Printf.sprintf " %s=\"%d\"" name) o
let prop_int name o =
Option.fold ~none:"" ~some:(Printf.sprintf " %s=\"%d\"" name) o

let prop_float name o = Option.fold ~none:"" ~some:(Printf.sprintf " %s=\"%f\"" name) o
let prop_float name o =
Option.fold ~none:"" ~some:(Printf.sprintf " %s=\"%f\"" name) o

let empty () : t = Buffer.create 0

Expand All @@ -22,34 +30,37 @@ let create ?width ?height () =
w svg "<svg%s%s>" width height;

let line svg ?stroke ?stroke_width ?style (x0,y0) (x1,y1) =
let line svg ?stroke ?stroke_width ?style (x0, y0) (x1, y1) =
let stroke = prop "stroke" stroke in
let stroke_width = prop_float "stroke-width" stroke_width in
let style = prop "style" style in
w svg {| <line x1="%f" y1="%f" x2="%f" y2="%f"%s%s%s/>|} x0 y0 x1 y1 stroke stroke_width style
w svg {| <line x1="%f" y1="%f" x2="%f" y2="%f"%s%s%s/>|} x0 y0 x1 y1 stroke
stroke_width style

let text svg ?text_anchor ?fill ?transform (x,y) t =
let text svg ?text_anchor ?fill ?transform (x, y) t =
let text_anchor =
match text_anchor with
| Some `Start -> "start"
| Some `Middle -> "middle"
| Some `End -> "end"
| None -> ""
| Some `Start -> "start"
| Some `Middle -> "middle"
| Some `End -> "end"
| None -> ""
let text_anchor =
if text_anchor = "" then ""
else Printf.sprintf {| text-anchor="%s"|} text_anchor
let text_anchor = if text_anchor = "" then "" else Printf.sprintf {| text-anchor="%s"|} text_anchor in
let fill = prop "fill" fill in
let transform = prop "transform" transform in
w svg {| <text x="%f" y="%f"%s%s%s>%s</text>|} x y fill text_anchor transform t
w svg {| <text x="%f" y="%f"%s%s%s>%s</text>|} x y fill text_anchor transform

let polyline svg ?stroke ?stroke_width ?fill p =
let p = (fun (x,y) -> Printf.sprintf "%f,%f" x y) p
|> String.concat " " (fun (x, y) -> Printf.sprintf "%f,%f" x y) p |> String.concat " "
let stroke = prop "stroke" stroke in
let stroke_width = prop_float "stroke-width" stroke_width in
let fill = prop "fill" fill in
w svg {| <polyline points="%s"%s%s%s/>|} p stroke stroke_width fill

let to_string (svg:t) =
Buffer.contents svg ^ "</svg>\n"
let to_string (svg : t) = Buffer.contents svg ^ "</svg>\n"
33 changes: 18 additions & 15 deletions src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,34 +5,37 @@ let () =
let branch = ref "" in
"-i", Arg.Set_string dir, "Set directory containing metrics";
"-o", Arg.Set_string fname, "Set output file name";
"--branch", Arg.Set_string branch, "Set branch";
"--update", Arg.Set update, "Update data"
("-i", Arg.Set_string dir, "Set directory containing metrics");
("-o", Arg.Set_string fname, "Set output file name");
("--branch", Arg.Set_string branch, "Set branch");
("--update", Arg.Set update, "Update data");
(fun _ -> ()) "metrics [option]";
(fun _ -> ())
"metrics [option]";
let branch = if !branch = "" then None else Some !branch in
Metrics.load_liquidsoap ~update:!update ~directory:!dir ?branch ();
let oc = open_out !fname in
let w fmt = Printf.ksprintf (fun s -> output_string oc (s^"\n")) fmt in
let w fmt = Printf.ksprintf (fun s -> output_string oc (s ^ "\n")) fmt in
w "<!DOCTYPE html>";
w "<html>";
w "<head>";
w "<title>Liquidsoap metrics</title>";
w {|<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">|};
w {|<link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="">|};
{|<link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="">|};
w "</head>";
w "<body>";
w "<h1>Liquidsoap metrics</h1>";
(fun (name, _category, unit, min, data) ->
Printf.printf "Plotting '%s'\n" name;
w "<h2>%s</h2>" (String.capitalize_ascii name);
w "<div class=\"plot\">";
let ordinate = Printf.sprintf "value (%s)" unit in
w "%s" (Plot.svg ~abscissa:"time (s)" ~ordinate ~width:800. ~height:400. ?y_min:min data);
w "</div>"
Printf.printf "Plotting '%s'\n" name;
w "<h2>%s</h2>" (String.capitalize_ascii name);
w "<div class=\"plot\">";
let ordinate = Printf.sprintf "value (%s)" unit in
w "%s"
(Plot.svg ~abscissa:"time (s)" ~ordinate ~width:800. ~height:400.
?y_min:min data);
w "</div>")
(Metrics.series ());
w "</body>";
w "</html>";
w "</html>"
89 changes: 43 additions & 46 deletions src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,36 +1,23 @@
type entry =
name : string;
category : string;
value : float;
unit : string;
time : float;
min : float option
type entry = {
name : string;
category : string;
value : float;
unit : string;
time : float;
min : float option;

type entries =
entries : entry list;
branch : string;
type entries = { entries : entry list; branch : string }

let parse_file fname =
let ic = open_in fname in
let s = really_input_string ic (in_channel_length ic) in
close_in ic;
let yaml = Yaml.yaml_of_string s |> Result.get_ok |> Yaml.to_json |> Result.get_ok in
let yaml =
match yaml with
| `A l -> l
| _ -> assert false
let yaml =
| `O l -> l
| _ -> assert false
) yaml
Yaml.yaml_of_string s |> Result.get_ok |> Yaml.to_json |> Result.get_ok
let yaml = match yaml with `A l -> l | _ -> assert false in
let yaml = (function `O l -> l | _ -> assert false) yaml in
let string = function `String s -> s | _ -> assert false in
let float = function `Float x -> x | _ -> assert false in
let string l k = List.assoc k l |> string in
Expand All @@ -39,12 +26,21 @@ let parse_file fname =
let entries =
(fun l ->
let string = string l in
let float = float l in
let float_opt = float_opt l in
if List.mem_assoc "commit" l then None else
Some {name = string "name"; category = string "category"; value = float "value"; unit = string "unit"; time = float "time"; min = float_opt "min"}
) yaml
let string = string l in
let float = float l in
let float_opt = float_opt l in
if List.mem_assoc "commit" l then None
name = string "name";
category = string "category";
value = float "value";
unit = string "unit";
time = float "time";
min = float_opt "min";
let branch =
let header = List.find (fun l -> List.mem_assoc "commit" l) yaml in
Expand All @@ -62,34 +58,35 @@ let add_file ?branch fname =

let load_dir ?branch dir =
let files =
Sys.readdir dir
|> Array.to_list
Sys.readdir dir |> Array.to_list
|> (fun s -> dir ^ "/" ^ s)
|> List.filter (fun s -> Filename.check_suffix s ".yaml")
|> List.sort_uniq compare
List.iter (add_file ?branch) files

let load_liquidsoap ~directory ?(update=false) ?branch () =
let load_liquidsoap ~directory ?(update = false) ?branch () =
if update then
if not (Sys.file_exists directory) then
assert (Sys.command (Printf.sprintf "git clone -b metrics %s" directory) = 0)
assert (Sys.command (Printf.sprintf "cd %s && git pull" directory) = 0);
assert (
"git clone -b metrics %s"
= 0)
else assert (Sys.command (Printf.sprintf "cd %s && git pull" directory) = 0);
load_dir ?branch directory

(** All the possible names for tests. *)
let names () = (fun e -> !db
|> List.sort_uniq compare
let names () = (fun e -> !db |> List.sort_uniq compare

(** All metrics series. *)
let series () =
(fun n ->
let l = List.filter (fun e -> = n) !db in
let e = List.hd l in
let l = (fun e -> e.time, e.value) l in
let l = List.sort (fun (t,_) (t',_) -> compare t t') l in
n, e.category, e.unit, e.min, l
) (names ())
let l = List.filter (fun e -> = n) !db in
let e = List.hd l in
let l = (fun e -> (e.time, e.value)) l in
let l = List.sort (fun (t, _) (t', _) -> compare t t') l in
(n, e.category, e.unit, e.min, l))
(names ())
94 changes: 53 additions & 41 deletions src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,65 +5,77 @@ let format_timestamp f =
Ptime.pp_human () formatter timestamp;
Buffer.contents buf

let svg ?(margin=100.) ~width ~height ?(abscissa="") ?(ordinate="") ?x_min ?x_max ?y_min ?y_max points =
let svg ?(margin = 100.) ~width ~height ?(abscissa = "") ?(ordinate = "") ?x_min
?x_max ?y_min ?y_max points =
let x_min', x_max', y_min', y_max' =
let x, y = List.hd points in
(fun (x_min', x_max', y_min', y_max') (x,y) ->
min x x_min',
max x x_max',
min y y_min',
max y y_max'
(fun (x_min', x_max', y_min', y_max') (x, y) ->
(min x x_min', max x x_max', min y y_min', max y y_max'))
(x, x, y, y) points
let x_min = Option.value x_min ~default:x_min' in
let x_max = Option.value x_max ~default:x_max' in
let y_min = Option.value y_min ~default:y_min' in
let y_max = Option.value y_max ~default:y_max' in
let (++) (x,y) (x',y') = (x+.x',y+.y') in
let coord (x,y) =
margin +. (x -. x_min) /. (x_max -. x_min) *. width,
margin +. height -. ((y -. y_min) /. (y_max -. y_min) *. height)
let ( ++ ) (x, y) (x', y') = (x +. x', y +. y') in
let coord (x, y) =
( margin +. ((x -. x_min) /. (x_max -. x_min) *. width),
margin +. height -. ((y -. y_min) /. (y_max -. y_min) *. height) )
let points =
|> List.sort (fun (x,_) (x',_) -> compare x x')
|> coord
points |> List.sort (fun (x, _) (x', _) -> compare x x') |> coord
let svg = SVG.create ~width:(width +. 2. *. margin) ~height:(height +. 2. *. margin) () in
SVG.line svg ~stroke:"black" (coord (x_min,y_min)) (coord (x_max,y_min));
SVG.line svg ~stroke:"black" (coord (x_min,y_min)) (coord (x_min,y_max));
let svg =
~width:(width +. (2. *. margin))
~height:(height +. (2. *. margin))
SVG.line svg ~stroke:"black" (coord (x_min, y_min)) (coord (x_max, y_min));
SVG.line svg ~stroke:"black" (coord (x_min, y_min)) (coord (x_min, y_max));
let ticks = 5 in
let tick = 10. in
for i = 0 to ticks - 1 do
let x = x_min +. float i *. (x_max -. x_min) /. float ticks in
let x = x_min +. (float i *. (x_max -. x_min) /. float ticks) in
let y = y_min in
SVG.line svg ~stroke:"black" (coord (x,y) ++ (0.,-.tick/.2.)) (coord (x,y) ++ (0.,tick/.2.));
SVG.text svg (coord (x,y)) ~fill:"black" ~text_anchor:`Middle ~transform:"translate(0,20)" (format_timestamp x);
SVG.line svg ~stroke:"black"
(coord (x, y) ++ (0., -.tick /. 2.))
(coord (x, y) ++ (0., tick /. 2.));
SVG.text svg
(coord (x, y))
~fill:"black" ~text_anchor:`Middle ~transform:"translate(0,20)"
(format_timestamp x);
let x = x_min in
let y = y_min +. float i *. (y_max -. y_min) /. float ticks in
SVG.line svg ~stroke:"black" (coord (x,y) ++ (-.tick/.2.,0.)) (coord (x,y) ++ (tick/.2.,0.));
SVG.text svg (coord (x,y)) ~fill:"black" ~text_anchor:`End (Printf.sprintf "%.02f" y);
let y = y_min +. (float i *. (y_max -. y_min) /. float ticks) in
SVG.line svg ~stroke:"black"
(coord (x, y) ++ (-.tick /. 2., 0.))
(coord (x, y) ++ (tick /. 2., 0.));
SVG.text svg
(coord (x, y))
~fill:"black" ~text_anchor:`End (Printf.sprintf "%.02f" y)
(* Arrow heads *)
let x, y = coord (x_max,y_min) in
SVG.polyline svg ~stroke:"black" ~fill:"none" [
x -. tick/.2., y +. tick/.2.;
x, y;
x -. tick/.2., y -. tick/.2.
let x, y = coord (x_min,y_max) in
SVG.polyline svg ~stroke:"black" ~fill:"none" [
x -. tick/.2., y +. tick/.2.;
x, y;
x +. tick/.2., y +. tick/.2.
if abscissa <> "" then SVG.text svg (coord (x_max,y_min)) ~fill:"black" abscissa;
if ordinate <> "" then SVG.text svg (coord (x_min,y_max)) ~fill:"black" ~text_anchor:`Middle ordinate;
(let x, y = coord (x_max, y_min) in
SVG.polyline svg ~stroke:"black" ~fill:"none"
(x -. (tick /. 2.), y +. (tick /. 2.));
(x, y);
(x -. (tick /. 2.), y -. (tick /. 2.));
let x, y = coord (x_min, y_max) in
SVG.polyline svg ~stroke:"black" ~fill:"none"
(x -. (tick /. 2.), y +. (tick /. 2.));
(x, y);
(x +. (tick /. 2.), y +. (tick /. 2.));
if abscissa <> "" then
SVG.text svg (coord (x_max, y_min)) ~fill:"black" abscissa;
if ordinate <> "" then
SVG.text svg
(coord (x_min, y_max))
~fill:"black" ~text_anchor:`Middle ordinate;
(* Actual plot *)
SVG.polyline svg ~stroke:"red" ~stroke_width:2. ~fill:"none" points;
SVG.to_string svg

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