Welcome to Moodical! A program designed to generate music recommendations based on your current mood.
- After the user login/ register for a new account, a questionnaire window will be prompted.
- The questionnaire contains questions aimed to access your current mood, and the user can respond to the questions by using the sliders.
- After the questionnaire is submitted, the user will be given a playlist with 10 songs recommended immediately.
- After submitting the recommendation page, the user will be directed to the dashboard, where they can see their past recommendation analysis, history and favourites.
- The user can choose to generate new recommendations from history, which contains their previous recommendations.
- As a bonus, the user can visit the "Your Daily Dose of Serotonin" page for motivational quotes!
- User login/ registration
- Questionnaire
- Music recommendations based on questionnaire responses
- History/ favourites -> generating new playlists from previous recommendations
- Dashboard analysis of the most recommended artists, genres and more
- Interactive dashboard with mood related pictures and quotes
- Go to src folder.
- Then open main and run the main java file.
- The UI will immediately pop up once the user runs main
- Savanna Pan
- Minha Faheem
- Arvin Gingoyon
- Yumna Refai
- Meghan George