React+GraphQL front-end starter kit. Universal: Browser + SSR.
Javascript version also available.
Want to get stated, faster? Use the CLI - and start a new project in as little as 30 seconds.
- ReactQL CLI for quickly starting a new project
- React for UI
- Apollo Client (React) for GraphQL
- React Router 4 for declarative browser + server routes
- Redux for flux/store state management
- Built-in Koa 2 web server, with async/await routing
- Full route-aware server-side rendering (SSR) of initial HTML
- Universal building - both browser + Node.js web server
- HTTP header hardening with Helmet for Koa
- Declarative/dynamic
section, using react-helmet
- Dev + React-compatible hot code reloading; zero refresh, real-time updates
- Development web server that automatically rebuilds and restarts on code changes, for on-the-fly SSR testing with full source maps
- Webpack 2, with tree shaking
- Universal building - both browser + Node.js web server
- Easily extendable webpack-config files
- Production bundling, for generating optimised server and client code
- Static bundling mode for hosting your full app on any static host -- Github pages, S3, Netlify, etc
- Separate local + vendor bundles, for better browser caching/faster builds
- Dynamic polyfills, courtesy of babel-preset-env
- Aggressive code minification with Uglify
- GIF/JPEG/PNG/SVG crunching for images
- Static compression using the Zopfli Gzip and Brotli algorithms for the serving of static assets as pre-compressed
- PostCSS v6 with next-gen CSS and inline @imports
- SASS and LESS support (also parsed through PostCSS)
- ESLinting based on a tweaked Airbnb style guide
- Tons of code commentary to fill you in on what's happening under the hood
- Extensive, up-to-date online documentation
- Examples repository, showing you how to add a GraphQL server, run without GraphQL, take advantage of Redux, etc.
See the CLI tool for easily deploying this starter kit on Mac, Windows or Linux.