A Unity library for communicattion with ROS through RosBridge
The first version of this I believe origins from Michael Jenkin, in the repo unityros. He has made a sample unity project showing turtlesim, with good instructions on how to use this project. All honor goes to him. I created this project because there was no repository containing the barebone library.
This repository is intended to be imported as a git submodule.
This repository does not contain every ROS message. If you need to add one, please fork this repository, add the file and make a pull request.
Documentation is in the code. I have added some more in addition to what Michael Jenkin (original author). The main file is ROSBridgeWebSocketConnection.cs, which sets up everything.
This is an example application where a ball is controlled. Basically, there are three important script types to notice. Firstly, create a main script responsible for initializing RosBridge:
public class RollABallRosController : MonoBehaviour {
private ROSBridgeWebSocketConnection ros = null;
void Start() {
// Where the rosbridge instance is running, could be localhost, or some external IP
ros = new ROSBridgeWebSocketConnection ("ws://localhost", 9090);
// Add subscribers and publishers (if any)
ros.AddSubscriber (typeof(BallPoseSubscriber));
ros.AddPublisher (typeof(BallControlPublisher));
// Fire up the subscriber(s) and publisher(s)
ros.Connect ();
// Extremely important to disconnect from ROS. Otherwise packets continue to flow
void OnApplicationQuit() {
if(ros!=null) {
ros.Disconnect ();
// Update is called once per frame in Unity
void Update () {
ros.Render ();
Then, create a subscriber script which will receive updates from a chosen ROS topic
// Ball subscriber:
public class RealsenseImageSubscriber : ROSBridgeSubscriber {
static GameObject ball;
// These two are important
public new static string GetMessageTopic() {
return "/path/to/pose/topic";
public new static string GetMessageType() {
return "std_msgs/PoseMsg";
// Important function (I think, converting json to PoseMsg)
public new static ROSBridgeMsg ParseMessage(JSONNode msg) {
return new PoseMsg (msg);
// This function should fire on each ros message
public new static void CallBack(ROSBridgeMsg msg) {
// Update ball position, or whatever
ball.x = msg.x; // Check msg definition in rosbridgelib
ball.y = msg.y;
ball.z = msg.z;
If you need to publish data to ROS, create a publisher:
// Ball publisher: // Using twist msgs for example?
public class BallControlPublisher: ROSBridgePublisher {
// The following three functions are important
public static string GetMessageTopic() {
return "/topic/to/publish/to";
public static string GetMessageType() {
return "std_msgs/TwistMsg";
public static string ToYAMLString(TwistMsg msg) {
return msg.ToYAMLString();
public new static ROSBridgeMsg ParseMessage(JSONNode msg) {
return new TwistMsg(msg);
// And in some other class where the ball is controlled:
TwistMsg msg = new TwistMsg(x, y, z); // Circa
// Publish it (ros is the object defined in the first class)
ros.Publish(BallControlPublisher.GetMessageTopic(), msg);
Note: SimpleJSON is included here as a convenience. It has its own licensing requirements. See source code and unity store for details.