just for fun Hello bug!!! in this course Using only uikit programatic way
First create project and save it repository Working with no storyboard
- Remove files
- Upate info.plist
- Update app delegate.swift
- first divide viewcontoller into view becuase it is easy to manage
- build whole view by dividing small view
- using extension pull out chunks of funcionality from base view
- !!! Creating view snippet
- snippet is usefull. it is reuseable
!!! adding loginview to loginviewcontroller
loginView.leadingAnchor.constraint(equalToSystemSpacingAfter: view.leadingAnchor, multiplier: 1)
above code tells us set constraints after left side of view by 8 points. (multipleier: 1) = 8 points
if we change multipleir : 2 value will be 16
Adding textField
we define textField delegate using delefation pattern
add some function to be conformable
functions are based on editing
Adding stackView
- !!! using stackView you can reach to minimize constraints That means less code
- embed in stackview all view elements we can give spacing themm equally
- remove the intrinsicContentSize property because we added stackview that takes resposibility
Adding the divider
- Core Animation happens in CALayer
- CALayer is under the UIView
Adding Sign/Log in Button
- we add the button in the controller becuase viewController take the action with app like when button pressed behind the scene conroller gets fired. We may add LOGINVIEW However then we need delegation pattern
Bankey Handling Login
making an error label in red color
Bankey Login Logic
we add password and username computed property
tackle with logic
now learing validation textfield in uikit
in validation we treat thing as hard coded , but it's gonna be change maybe in future setting up with firebase framework
Saving our work
ignoring files using .gitignore
Gonna be learn
git commands
Navigation flow in UIKit
Page view contoller is power is that contains view controller as an array and enable to user swipeable action . User can swipe the screen easily and behind scene view changed to another view.
in this project we have array called pages that holds 3 viewControllers
protocol delegate pattern that we lean
- [] adding first item of pages with car image and description of app. Actially it's view controller
- in this lecture 31 We creare viewController and reUse it by adding two variables imageName and titleText
- in this end of section "Close button added " Button close pages lead to the main screen
- learn protocol Delegate Pattern
- we implement the loginviewcontrollerdelegate and onboardingcontroller delegate in order to notify the Appdelegate class for making naviagtion flow through views
- and also making a smoothly transation
- using UserDefaulst to save hasOnboarded. it means onboarding screen showed only first time
- added dummy logout view controlller for testing
what are they
how they work
when and why to use them
decription Container View Contollers are view contollers that contain or combine content from other view contollers into a single working interface
- creating tab bar controller with three dummy view controllers
in this ection creating new branch called account-summary where we will work and at the end done wworking flawlessly then we merge this branch to main branch
table view added
create cutom header view and add this custom view as tablView's header view
also while creating header view we use nib file
what nib files are
how they work
they are just trush
header view added finally
fistly i tried to add header view by using xib file but it failed. ihave done everything programmatically phew, volla
in this section we creatd cell view programmatically
styling it with flawlessly
add dummy data
what we have learnt
programtic cell view
save work incrementelly
view models
leverage enums
currency formatting
Status/ navbar colors
what are unit tests and why so valuable ?
why write them
How do they work
How to add to existing project
- unit tests are small snippets of code we write prove our software as expected
- all is confidence
- by adding new target to existing project
- The limits of protocol Delegate
- How message Broadcasting works
- the mechanics behind the notification center
- where and when to use this pattern
description: When you have a lot of views exm: four. you need to notify last view controller from first view controler here is coming Notification center pattern (observer patter) in rescue.
- what can we do this. Simple we change the constraints. example we have label before view is loaded we changed the constraints and view is loaded we change back. animation happened
self.view.layoutIfNeeded() // Use this method to force the view to update its layout immediately.
- starting with CA everything in UIKit that is core animation
- its power is its speed. CA can update everything view 60 times per second
- that's why considired high level
adding NEtworking to project
Parsing json with Codable
Update UI on the main thread
Unit testing JSON code
How to leverage plaugrounds when building apps
functional programming (Maps)
How Does Networking work
we do network call in URLSession to server. Then we need to parse the json data to our codable struct that we need to create format to be fit to data which is coming from server
only update the ui on the main thread
// On main thread
note: Learning networking is best way to wotk with swift palayground
new feature never crossed before
bob's your uncle we got this shit
dispatch group very handy thing in swift
when we have a lot of network call. that takes time by using dispatch we perform all network call once at the time not step by step.
refresh controll
it's small indicator for reloading data every app has indicator. You cann see when you pull view to refresh
skeleton loaders
How to manually test for network errors
How to fix them with pop-ups and alerts
How to unit test network code
How to build more robust application
when network gets lost we need to provide pop-up alert to user that represents the Server Error
- How to do more complex layouts
- See how UITextField interactions work
- How to do form validations
- Unit testing controlls, functions, and viewControllers