When running multiple virtual machines in a private lab or home network, we should be able to send emails such as alert notifications from those virtual machines to a private email server.
This is required when configuring monitoring scripts or products such as Prometheus AlertManager.
On Linux ...
We can use following software packages on Linux to configure a Private Email Server.
postfix server : receives email
sendmail client : sends email
dovecot (imap/pop3) : allows email GUI client to pull email from server
thunderbird : email client on Windows box
# mysmtp virtual machine will run postfix & dovecot mysmtp mysmtp.OracleByExample.com
# hzd1 virtual machine will be the sendmail client hzd1 hzd1.OracleByExample.com
# winbox is the host machine - will run thunderbird winbox winbox.OracleByExample.com
# 04-May-2023
# this is working properly with following software versions :
Linux OS : Rocky Linux release 9.1 (Blue Onyx) (5.14.0-162.18.1.el9_1.x86_64)
postfix.x86_64 2:3.5.9-19.el9 @appstream
curl.x86_64 7.76.1-19.el9_1.1 @baseos
sendmail.x86_64 8.16.1-10.el9 @appstream
dovecot.x86_64 1:2.3.16-7.el9 @appstream
Thunderbird 102.10.1 (64-bit)
# 15-October-2022
# this is working properly with following software versions :
Linux OS : CentOS Stream release 9 (5.14.0-171.el9.x86_64)
postfix.x86_64 2:3.5.9-19.el9 @appstream
curl.x86_64 7.76.1-19.el9 @anaconda
libcurl.x86_64 7.76.1-19.el9 @anaconda
sendmail.x86_64 8.16.1-10.el9 @appstream
dovecot.x86_64 1:2.3.16-7.el9 @appstream
Thunderbird 102.3.3 (64-bit)
currently using "sendmail"
in future can we support "mailx" too ?