This is a cordova plugin built using Twilio Video API v2.0.0preview6. Main reason for making the plugin is to support H.264 codec on Android Marshmallow+ devices. Note: This fork was made to support Outsystems development
- Android
- iOS (uses TwilioVideo 1.0 since H.264 codec works fine)
Using the cordova plugin
Add to the project
ionic cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-twilio-video-v2preview
npm install --save cordova-plugin-twilio-video-v2preview
Implement the source code
- Get token And Call the API RoomName: string, Token: string, RemoteParticipantName: string);
- Get token And Call the API
Android uses gradle to fetch TwilioVideo as a dependency.
iOS code of this plugin needs TwilioVideo.framework. This framework, along with its binaries, gets embedded into your project.
This plugin was developed using Price F.'s plugin cordova-plugin-twilio-video as a starting point. I merely modified the code to use Twilio Video API 2.0.0preview6 with some UI changes.