Releases: sanjaynagi/rna-seq-pop
Releases · sanjaynagi/rna-seq-pop
What's Changed
- bump freebayes and move regions to results by @sanjaynagi in #110
- replace compkaryo with own karyotyping nb by @sanjaynagi in #115
- Remove features to simplify workflow by @sanjaynagi in #119
Full Changelog: v2.2.0...v2.3.0
What's Changed
- freebayes add parameter: min-alternate-fraction 0.05 by @sanjaynagi in #103
- Improve gsea nb by @sanjaynagi in #104
- Fixing GPU support with parabricks by @sanjaynagi in #106
- add docker user option in config for parabricks LSTM use, and update sleuth version by @sanjaynagi in #107
Full Changelog: v2.0.2...v2.2.0
- Changes to config file
- Restructuring and tidying rule files
- Adding provisional optional support for the GPU accelerated clara parabricks workflow (star + haplotypecaller instead of hisat2 + freebayes). This is not tested yet.
- small fixes
- specify specific versions in pythonGenomics conda env
What's Changed
- Update pythonGenomics env - specific versions of packages by @sanjaynagi in #90
- Do not require VCFs if doing GSEA and remove VENN by @sanjaynagi in #92
- small fixes to pca + gwss notebooks by @sanjaynagi in #95
- coverage was not saving logs to file by @sanjaynagi in #99
- tidy Snakefile and rule files by @sanjaynagi in #101
- add support for clara parabricks by @sanjaynagi in #102
- add local db support for snpeff and update config names by @sanjaynagi in #100
Full Changelog: v2.0.2...v2.0.3
- Differential isoform expression now optional
- Fix bugs introduced in 2.0.1 in which .xlsx and .csv metadata input was broken.
- Fix for karyotype plotting notebook
- There was an error in v2.0.0 in which the exampleconfig.yaml was missing one parameter:
activate: True
- Removed a gtf reference from the .test folder which was a relic
rna-seq-pop v2 is released!!
The major change in version 2, is that we now use papermill and Jupyter book to build a local webpage to display the results of (the major) analyses. This exploring the resulting data reaaally fun and simple.
Results web books can be found in results/rna-seq-pop-results/
- We have removed FASTQC and Cutadapt, and replaced them with FastP, which trims and assesses quality in one go.
- Updated some envs and wrappers.
- implemented FDR control in GSEA script
- Reconfigured configs slightly to make them tidier, changed use of ref to reference.
- updated exampleconfig, v1.0.3 version was not up to date and is misleading.
- More complete and up to date docs
v1.0.0 is released, to coincide with the bioRxiv preprint.
We add support for variant calling with octopus, as well as adding the gatk rna-seq best practices workflow for preparing bam files - base recalibration.
Internally, we have restructured the rule files, to split alignment and variant calling steps, for readability.