- 🖥️ Language: Python
- Automate responses based on chat history.
- Retrieve and analyze chat history.
- Send automated replies using Google Generative AI.
- 🖥️ Language: Python
- Opens websites like Google, GitHub, and YouTube.
- Plays music from a predefined library.
- Reads the latest news headlines.
- Processes general commands using OpenAI.
- 🖥️ Language: Python
- A simple number guessing game.
- Guess a randomly generated number.
- Receive hints if your guess is too high or too low.
- The program displays the number of attempts taken to guess correctly.
- 🖥️ Language: Python
- A fun twist on Rock, Paper, Scissors.
- Choose Snake, Water, or Gun.
- Challenge the computer and see who wins!
- 🖥️ Language: Python
- 🏗️ Concepts: Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
- Manage store inventory.
- Process customer orders.
- Generate sales reports.
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