Main changes: Refactoring of tests and CI/CD. Release in conda-forge
. And some code cleanup.
What's Changed
- NEW FEATURE: Add freq and period coords to post-proc results by @ryancoe in https://github.com/SNL-WaterPower/WecOptTool/pull/152
- DOCUMENTATION: imageio v3 interface and pygifsicle optimization for gif animations in docs by @ryancoe in https://github.com/SNL-WaterPower/WecOptTool/pull/147
- CI/CD improvements by @cmichelenstrofer in https://github.com/SNL-WaterPower/WecOptTool/pull/151
- BUG FIX: avoid divide by zero warning when finding period from frequency by @ryancoe in https://github.com/SNL-WaterPower/WecOptTool/pull/156
- DOCUMENTATION: API Docs improvement. by @cmichelenstrofer in https://github.com/SNL-WaterPower/WecOptTool/pull/155
- NEW FEATURE: improve/fix scipy.minimize interfaces in wec.solve by @ryancoe in https://github.com/SNL-WaterPower/WecOptTool/pull/145
- CLEANUP: hydrostatics
functions combined into one by @michaelcdevin in https://github.com/SNL-WaterPower/WecOptTool/pull/159 - CI/CD: Improve unit tests. by @cmichelenstrofer in https://github.com/SNL-WaterPower/WecOptTool/pull/161
- BUGFIX: fix bug with PID controllers. Fixes #163 by @cmichelenstrofer in https://github.com/SNL-WaterPower/WecOptTool/pull/166
- BUGFIX: Factor of sqrt(2) in irregular_wave by @cmichelenstrofer in https://github.com/SNL-WaterPower/WecOptTool/pull/167
- CI/CD: Improve integration tests by @ryancoe in https://github.com/SNL-WaterPower/WecOptTool/pull/164
- PTO: use power loss (in Watts) instead of efficiency or loss ratio by @cmichelenstrofer in https://github.com/SNL-WaterPower/WecOptTool/pull/173
- CI/CD: Update push.yml by @cmichelenstrofer in https://github.com/SNL-WaterPower/WecOptTool/pull/174
- TUTORIALS: New tutorial using AquaHarmonics device, power loss map by @cmichelenstrofer in https://github.com/SNL-WaterPower/WecOptTool/pull/172
Full Changelog: SNL-WaterPower/WecOptTool@v2.0.0...v2.1.0