Yahtzee is a game where the player rolls five dice up to three times per turn to achieve specific scoring combinations, like three-of-a-kind, full house, a straight, or a Yahtzee (five of a kind).
The goal is to maximize the total score by strategically choosing combinations across 13 rounds.
The game can be played here: Yahtzee
Try to do better :p
To launch the yahtzee locally:
- Clone the github repo
- Run “npm install” in the terminal
- Open another terminal in parallel and run “pip install -r back\requirements.txt”.
- Run “npm run dev” in the first terminal, then click on the link to open the site.
- Run “python back\api.py” in the second terminal
- Don't hesitate to change the variables in .env if your links aren't the same as mine :)
- Then, have fun ♥
Feel free to leave us your opinions on the project and to create issues.