ActiveFedora 9.4.0
ActiveFedora 9.4.0 has been released. It adds hash URIs for sub-nodes, stops using InboundRelationConnection for speed, and refactors some existing code.
2015-09-01: Don't run type validators on destroy. [Trey Terrell]
2015-08-29: Use Fcrepo 4 and LDP from RDF::Vocab. [Esmé Cowles]
2015-08-28: Use premis:hasMessageDigest for checksum, falling back to
fedora:digest. [Esmé Cowles]
2015-08-25: Update README to reflect dependency on Solr 4.10 [pgwillia]
2015-08-19: Enable support for Hash URIs [Trey Terrell]
2015-08-13: Stop using InboundRelationConnection [Justin Coyne]